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"Sam, why do you keep on saying you want to introduce me to someone, I don't need to meet anyone, ugh" I sighed and took a drink of whatever is in the cup that was given to me.
"Cause she's a nice girl! She's Shelbys cousin and best friend and she's an introvert, just like you!" He laughed. "Oh here comes Shelby!" I look over in the direction he was looking in and I do see Shelby looking as tipsy as ever. Wait who is that with her? SHIT! It's that girl from across the all. By the time I've barely registered who she is, they're approaching us.
"Sam!" Shelby smiled and kissed her boyfriend," Garret! Good to see you!" She gave me a hug.
"Good to see you to Shelby" I hugged back. Sam smiled and pulled Ophelia into a hug.
"Lia! So good to see you!" She laughed and rolled her eyes.
"Sam I saw you last week at the family dinner." Sam laughed and looked at me.
"So Lia this is my bro, Garret" he pushed me forward a little. I laughed nervously.
"Um, bro we met earlier, uh she is moving in across the hall." I looked up at her and she was blushing a little. Sam smiled and laughed.
"Good! You should have tons to talk about!" He laughed and pulled Shelby away. I looked up and smiled nervously at Ophelia.
"Listen Ophelia, I'm so, SO sorry about this right now and earlier today. I'm an awkward mess but you probably figured that out by now." She giggled wearily.
"oh um it's ok, and call me Lia we are neighbors after all."
"Ok um cool! So how do you like your apartment?"
"Oh it's cool I guess."
"Yeah, they ok I guess," I looked down at the floor, "so um I didn't know you were related to Shelby, she never talks about you."
"Oh," she laughed," she can leave out tons of info like that." I laughed and looked up at her. She really was beautiful in a unique way. Her eyes were a shade of green that was bright in the light but in the dark they just looked blue, and her hair was past her shoulders and curled a bit at the ends. She didn't wear much makeup, not that she needed to. She was pretty the way she was. She looked around for a minute and then looked back at me and smiled, "I'm going to find Shelby, I guess I, uh, will see you around then?"
"Oh? Yeah! Sure" and she turned around and walked away. Could it be possible that maybe I did actually find a girl worth trying?

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