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"Good morning guys, today will just be a work on story day." Mr James says. I don't even hesitate, I get out my laptop and open it. I start on my story about children in the Middle East but I soon get bored with it and switch to my book I've been writing. It's about a girl who is on a search for her blood family and on the way meets people who she would never have met before. Somehow I wish this was my actual life, my main character is going through all these adventures and meeting tons on interesting people. Whereas I can't even talk to my neighbor without it being awkward. That's alright though, I do enjoy my quiet life in a way. I've just finished the 13th chapter when the class is dismissed. I gather my laptop and messenger bag and head for the door. "Ophelia? Can I see you for a second?" Mr James calls after me. God I hate those words. I sit down at his desk. " Ophelia, I'm worried about your Middle East story, every time I check up on it there's only a few sentences added. Are you working on it? Or are you working on something else in my class?" He asks like he already knows the answer but I lie instead.
"Oh! No sir! I've just been researching my story a lot recently so I have good material." I smile my most innocent smile hoping he doesn't notice my lie.
"Ok Ophelia I just hope you remember that this is a Journalism class, not a creative writing class." He raised his eyebrows at me for a reaction.
"I'm highly aware of that sir." In fact I never forget it. Not a day goes by that I don't wish I was a creative writing major or an English major. I chose journalism because I wanted to write moving stories about real life, but I'm much better at fiction.
"Ok Ophelia, your dismissed." He sighed and motioned to the door.
"Thank you sir." I swiftly get up and am out the door. I look down at my phone and it says it's 1:30 pm. I don't have another class until 3 pm. So I get in my car and head home, as I walk up the stairs I hope that nobody talks to me.
"Oh! Hey." I look up and see Sam getting into Garret's apartment.
"Hey sam, how are you." I smile
"I'm good Lia, how are you?"
"I'm alright" I shrug
"Hey, Lia, do you maybe want to hang out with me and Garret tonight? It'll be fun" he smiles hopefully.
"Oh well I can't tonight I'm sorry Sam I have a journalism paper that my professor is fighting me to finish. And if I don't he'll realize that I never actually work on it." I laugh.
"Oh ok, maybe another time?" He sighs
"Definitely, talk to you later Sam." I unlock my door and close it before Sam can answer. I put me back against the door and slide down letting out a breath of relief. I then realize that I did just agree to hanging out with him and Garret sometime. I groan out loud since no one can hear me. Maybe they'll just forget about it?

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