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I wave behind me and quickly make a beeline for the door. This was a huge mistake. He's embarrassed, I'm embarrassed and now every time I see him in the hallway it will be awkward. There's only two choices, move away, or stay in my house forever. Yeah, staying in my house forever sounds great. I finally get to my car and plop in. Just as I'm about to start the engine I get a text from Shelby:
-OPHELIA!!! Get back here and have a fun time!
Ugh, I text back:
-sry lib feeling sick, ttyl
I shut off my phone before she can argue and pull of her street. I finally get to my apartment building and park my car. I suddenly realize the awkward moment I had with my neighbor TWICE today and hope to god that he isn't home yet. I walk up my 500 flights of stairs and peek around the corner of my hallway. Nobody's there, so I quickly run down the hall and struggle to open my door and just as I get the door open I here someone coming up the stairs, but I don't stay around long enough to find out. I slam the door behind me and put my back up against it. I sigh, that was absolute hell. I look at my microwave, it says it's 3 am. So I get up and walk to my bathroom and start a bath, because showers are too hard. I plop a bath bomb in it and let it run while I get ready. I get in and let the heat and smell of lavender and honey melt my stress. By the time I finally get out its 4 am and I remember, I have class in three hours. There's no point in falling asleep and then sleeping to late so I start a lot of coffee and sit at my typewriter and write everything that comes to mind, my awkward neighbor, my mad cousin, my writing project and everything in between. This always clears my mind. It makes me feel like I'm telling someone about my thoughts, even though I'm not. It's better than actual people at least.

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