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Well that sucked.
Truly, that whole interaction was hell. She may be pretty but man every conversation we have is the definition of awkward. I don't even wait for Sam to drive me home. I get a taxi and give him my address. It takes about 35 minutes to get home because I chose the SLOWEST taxi in the whole of England. Finally I get home. Just as I'm getting to my hallway I hear a door slam. I assume it was maybe Ophelia, or maybe not. Keep it together Garret. I open my door and collapse on my couch. Why do I ever insist on doing anything outside of my house. I finally get up and hop in the shower. I still find myself thinking of Ophelia, that beautiful girl across the hall. No! Stop! I can't keep getting distracted by some girl. I have school tomorrow so as soon as I'm done with my shower I get in bed.
The next morning I wake up and get ready for school. Just as I am getting out of my door with my bag over my shoulder I hear Ophelia's door unlock. So I do the only thing a person can do in this situation,run. I run as fast as I can down the hall before she opens the door. Just as I hit the end of the hallway I trip and nearly fall down the steps. " oh! Um are you ok?" I turn towards the familiar voice, Ophelia.
"Oh! Yeah, yeah, thanks" I scratch the back of my head looking at the ground.
" ok, uh good! Well I should get going then." She points to the stairs that I'm blocking.
"OH! Sorry, yeah see you" I quickly step out of the way. I wait until I don't hear footsteps anymore. Then I walk down to the bus stop. Thank god that she isn't there. I get on the bus and sit in the way back. That way nobody pays attention to me.
Finally I get to my film arts building. This is my favorite class, not because of the teacher, or because of the small amounts of students. I love this class because I get to create a different film almost everyday, and honestly that is all I want in life. So I sit down and try to finish my video from yesterday, but I still can't stop thinking about Ophelia.

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