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"Dude guess what!!" Sam shouts after he closes the front door.
"What?" I look up at him from the couch.
"Me, you, Shelby and her cousin." He smirked.
"W-what?" I ask nervously, already knowing the answer.
"We my friend will all be going out next week." He says as he types on his phone." I just told Shelby to invite Lia later this week. Dude this is such a good chance for you!" I groan and rub my temples.
"Sam, every time I see the girl it's nothing but awkward. It won't work out." I sigh.
"Do you think she's pretty?" Sam asked.
"Well yeah, she's beautiful." I smile cause I'm thinking of her. No! I can't fall for her it wouldn't work. "But Sam were both awkward. I don't know if this is a good idea."
"Of course it is." He smiles to himself.
The next morning I can't stop worrying about next week not so much if she does accept the invitation. More so if she doesn't, would it be because of me? Does she already hate me? I groan out loud as I walk into my film history class. I smile to my teacher Mrs. Hollen  who is a lady well over 60. I sit in my usual seat and listen to the lecture and write down notes. Mrs. Hollen has a very prominent British accent that can be not very understandable at times so I often loose track. However, this time I don't start again. My mind starts wandering to thoughts of Ophelia and the date next week. Suddenly I hear class dismissed, I daydreamed for half an hour. This is why always focused on school instead of relationships. You miss everything around you. Why couldn't I get her out of my head? I could easily do that before with any other girl. Why can't I do the same with her? There's just something about her that just gets me. And I can't put my finger on it.

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