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I wake up to my phone vibrating on my nightstand. I turn on the light and pick up," hello?" I say groggily.
"Ophelia! Your awake! Good, there's a party tonight and I want you to come!"  I recognize the voice of my cousin Shelby.
"Oh hey Libby, I don't know I don't really like parties. I would just be a bother, plus I wouldn't even talk to anyone there so I would just be a drag." I explain, hoping she will just let it go.
"Ophelia as your beloved cousin and best friend, I need to make sure that you get enough socialism before you die alone," she laughs," just come! Please?!? I'll send you the address! Love you bye!" I sigh
And contemplate bailing but then Shelby should just bring it up at the next family dinner and then a whole mess would start. So I get out of bed and put on a pair of jeans, a grey t-shirt and I put on my converse. I grab my glasses and keys and I check my phone.
- 1227 Melrose rd.  Please come Lia! You'll have fun!
I don't really know why she sent me her address, I am her family after all. Still it only takes me 10 minutes to get to her house. I park my car halfway down the street so I don't get caught up in party traffic or get my car vandalized. I look up at my cousins house, most houses in Manchester are all old looking but her parents redid hers so now it looks more modern with different Windows and doors. I open the door and immediately regret my decision on coming here. The music is too loud and not even my taste in genres. All the people here are either from my high school or are in my college classes. A few people say hi as they pass me but I can't remember they're names. I look around for Shelby and finally find her in the kitchen pouring vodka into glasses. I walk over to her and give her a hug. "Hey Libby"
"Lia!! You came! I'm so glad!" She hugged my tighter.
"So where's Sam at? Off being the nerd he is?" I laughed and she rolled her eyes.
"He went to pick up his friend I should introduce you to him he's nice."
"Whatever you say Shelby" I laughed. I stayed in the kitchen sipping lightly on a cup of vodka until Shelby came and grabbed my hand.
"Sam's here and he wanted me to bring you over." I protested but she kept on pulling me so eventually I let her. She pulled me until I got sight of Sam and- oh god, why did I come to this party.

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