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So Wednesday finally arrived. I look in the mirror, I put on a blue t-shirt and black jeans. Along with a nice grey jacket. I grab my wallet and my phone and stick them in my back pockets. I head out into the hallway and head to the lobby, where Ophelia is waiting. "Hey Ophelia!"
"Oh hey Garret! Um ,so you ready? I thought I would wait for you." She looks at the ground and I can't help but smile.
"Really? That's so nice of you!" I look her up and down. She's wearing a black dress with dandelions on it with a faded green messenger bag, and black flats. Her hair is half up and wavy and she's barely wearing makeup. She looks.... beautiful. Just gorgeous, but I don't let it show. But, before I can stop myself. "You look beautiful." I say. Then when I realize what i said I immediately blush.
"Oh!? Thank you! You look nice yourself" she blushes and looks away. Crap! I've embarrassed her. Then Sam and Shelby pull up in front of the curb. Ophelia and I get into the back seat. And I swear I see Sam wink at me. "So Sam," Ophelia laughs, " where are we going?"
"Well Lia, we are going to a club." Sam smiles at Shelby. I glance over at Ophelia and see that she looks kindof sad.
"Oh... Fun." Ophelia fakes a smile. I want to tell Sam to turn around and take us somewhere else, but, I don't. We arrive five minutes later at this club called the motion. We walk through the front doors and I immediately loose everyone. I think I saw Sam and Shelby head for the dance floor while I think Ophelia went towards the outdoor deck.  So I do what any sane person would do, drink. But it just so happens I can't even find the bar. So I heard towards the direction I saw Ophelia go. Once I get to the deck I see her looking at the garden from above. Then I realize, she's writing in a mini note book. I walk up behind her.
"Hey" I shove my hands in my pockets.
"Hi" she smiles slightly." What are you doing out here?"
"I could ask you the same thing." I laugh.
" I don't know if you noticed but I hate clubs." She looks down.
"That's ok, I hate them too." I touch her shoulder in reassurance. She looks up at me and smiles. I smile back then return my hand to my pocket. We talk for a few more minutes. Then she shivers, so I do the only thing I can think of. I take off my jacket and hand it to her. " here Ophelia, you look more cold then me." I smile.
"Oh thanks Garret, and you can call me Lia." She smiles back and puts on my jacket.
"So what were you writing when I came out here?"
"Oh. Well,I um ,I write poetry when I have a lot of thoughts." She blushes.
"Can you read me one?" I smile hopefully.
"You want to hear one?" She beams.
"Of course!" I laugh.
"Okay, um, I'll read you this one." She opens the page. And clears her throat:
That's what I hear from you.
Whatever would we do without
Letters to make the
Words to make the
For you to say to me.
Sometimes good,
Letters, words and sentences.
But sometimes they're bad.
Letters, words and sentences.
But mostly,
The letters and the words
And the god damn sentences.
Come from me.
Ophelia looks up at me after she finishes and her eyes are filled with worry. I'm stunned, that was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. I can't comprehend the words in my mind to say to her so I let my mind control my actions. So, I kiss her.

Author here! Sorry for the long chapter! I just have so many words for this point in the story. I love you all! Thank you for reading my story!

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