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I sit at my desk trying to type my children in the Middle East story. It's been an hour and I only have one page. I wish I could be a creative writing major, but I don't want to. Because journalism is supposed to change the worlds views by words and that's what I want to do. I'm interrupted by Shelby calling my phone. I answer. "Hello?"
"Hey! Lia! Ok what are you doing next Wednesday?"
"Oh- well I don't really-"
"Nothing? Good! Meet me at my house! And dress nice/casual." Then the phone goes dead. I lock the screen and throw it on my bed. Shortly after I collapse on my bed next to it. I sigh.
"God damn you Shelby." I mumble to myself. I must have fallen asleep because I wake up to my alarm going off, 30 minutes late. I jump up and throw some clothes on and grab my messenger bag and my laptop and run out the door until- WHAM! I fall backwards against the wall holding my head."Ow! Oh shoot! I'm so sorry!" I say until I look up and see the person I hit is, as always, Garret.
"Oh! Ophelia! No please I'm fine! I'm really sorry I should have been looking! Here I'll be right back!" He runs into his apartment and then returns with an icepack. He hands it to me and smiles apologetically. I smile in return and put the ice on my forehead.
"Thanks Garret, uh, I should be going. I'm late for class. I will uh drop this ice pack off after. Bye!" I wave back at him before either of us start apologizing to each other again. By the time i actually get to class Mr. James isn't even in to room. So I quietly slip into my seat and write my story, but my head hurts so much I have to stop for a second. God why did this have to happen to me? Why did Garret have to happen to me? Who knows but all I know is that this majorly sucks.

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