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Garret's kissing me. And for some reason I don't stop him. Instead I put my arms around his neck as he puts his hand on my waist. I feel like I'm in space. I feel, weightless, like gravity has been reversed. It feels like the kiss has lasted forever until he pulls away. He steps back and blushes." I-I'm sorry"
"oh um it's ok." I laugh nervously. Honestly I wish he didn't stop, and that's weird because that is so unlike me.
"So um Ophelia I guess I did things backwards. I wanted to tell you that I-" he was cut off by Shelby and Sam.
"Hey guys! So I think we're all just going to head home, Sam has work in the morning, and you guys weren't having fun were you?" I go to answer,but instead she just leads us to the car. The whole ride home is just awkward, but I still keep on sneaking glances at Garret. But he is just continuing looking out the window. We get to the apartment building and we say our goodbyes to Sam and Shelby.
Once Garret and I reach our doors a smile at him and then turn to open my door. Just as i get it open and start to enter my house something pulls be back and spins me by my hand and then Garret's kissing me again. A deep passionate kiss. When he pulls away he looks into my eyes and smiles. "I really like you Ophelia." He whispers.
"Thank you," I smile but then turn bright red when I realize what I said, "oh! I-" but I'm interrupted by him laying another kiss on my lips. As the kiss intensifies he tugs on the hem of my shirt and I pull away. "Uh, I have school tomorrow. I should probably turn in for the night." I look at the floor.
"I'm sorry Lia. I didn't mean to-"
"No! It's ok," I laugh nervously.
"Can we maybe talk normally one day? Just us too? Maybe go for coffee?" He smiles hopefully.
"Yeah! Um, how's Saturday?" I say trying to hide my embarrassment.
"Awesome, um I'll call you?" He beams.
"Yeah, I'll talk to you, goodnight." I smile and he kisses my cheek before disappearing behind his door. I sigh loudly and close my door. "What is it with that hallway." I groan as I plop on the couch. But the thing I'm more confused about is that when I was kissing him, I didn't want him to stop. Even when he was tugging on my shirt, the only thing that stopped me was the fact that he was my neighbor.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2016 ⏰

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