13 | optimism over pessimism

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I don't deserve any sympathy.

THE COOL MORNING AIR kisses Ria's exposed skin

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THE COOL MORNING AIR kisses Ria's exposed skin. She rubs her slumber-heavy eyes to find herself strewn across an equally naked Ashton. A strong arm is secure around her waist while their legs are gently entangled. Their body heat is the only thing that kept them warm throughout the night. With a quick glance, she can see her blankets sliding off the edge of the bed.

A gentle smile stretches across her lips and she snuggles closer to him. His chest rises and falls, releasing delicate breaths. Heart beats steadily against her ear.

He looks so innocent.

Eccentric blonde hair sweeps across his forehead in a disheveled fashion. Perfect lips, pink and devilishly kissable, part to release air. She lays one arm across his chest and another under his arm, basking in his heat.

How did he manage to slip into my life?

Leaning up, she gives him a soft kiss on the edge of his jaw before resting her head on his chest again. Ashton groans. His muscles shift under her weight and he tightens his arm around her waist.

"Good morning," he mumbles while sleepless lips kiss the top of her head. "What time is it?"

"Judging from how bright the sun is shining, I'd say close to noon."

"Hmm. Good afternoon then."

She smiles and drags her fingers across his chest. "You were amazing last night."

"That's always nice to hear." He runs his fingers down her back and traces along the arch. "Seeing as I gave you your first orgasm and all..."

"Oh my god!" Ria plants her face in his chest as flames tease her skin. "Did I really tell you that?" she muffles. "Ugh!"

Laughter shakes through his chest and he holds her close. "Don't be embarrassed. You were very cute last night. After another drink, you started to tell me all of your favorite positions."

Her head pops up and her mouth drops. "I did not."

He quirks a brow with a smile brimming off his face, full of mischief and amusement. "You did. You like how strong my hands are when I grab you, but how gentle my touches are when we make love. Your words. Not mine."

"I hate myself," she cries and collapses into him as embarrassment rips at her resolve. "I do stupid things when I drink."

"Don't worry, we all do. For a first date, you actually weren't so bad. I wish I could stay over all weekend."

"Not so bad. Hmph." She pouts. "So you're not staying over?"

"I can't. I have something important to do."

"Okay," she sighs. "I'll miss you." She sucks her lips in the moment the words are released into the air. Is that strange? Is it weird to feel this attached to him already, like he's her boyfriend?

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