52 | falling apart

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I'll be waiting for you.

THE FABRIC OF TIME shifts at an agonizingly slow pace as Ashton finds his way back home

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THE FABRIC OF TIME shifts at an agonizingly slow pace as Ashton finds his way back home. One thought conquers his fretful mind. Ria. Surges of agony like lethal doses of electricity pierce his mere existence. His vision is stolen. Thoughts, scattered. A singular deduction connects in his mind. She's hurt. Vincent hurt her. He put the love of his life in the hospital and now he can't get to her.

Vincent has tortured Ashton for the last time.

I don't care if it takes my very last breath, I'm going to kill him.

Knuckles cramp in discomfort around the steering wheel. He's practically blind as he maneuvers through traffic. Rage guides each twist and turn. His boot pins down the gas pedal while the fantasy of taking Vincent's life delves into his bones.

I don't care what it takes.

Coming back from California was supposed to be perfect. Everything had been planned out. They'd celebrate his birthday and at the end of the night, he'd tell her how he signed the contract to the new gallery. He'd watch the joy on her face while confirming that he signed up to start going to addiction therapy just for her. Then, he'd top it off by showing her the new loft he picked out for them.

Their future home.

Knowing Ria, she'd cry and throw herself into his arms. They'd make love and he'd finally tell her that he loves her for the first time while her eyes were awake and full of stars.

That is what was supposed to happen.

Instead, he's come home to an absolute nightmare.

Upon arriving at his loft, he jumps out of the car and races up the frosted stairs to the front door. It's cracked. When he steps inside, a pool of crimson stains the entrance hall while leaving the essence of metallic in the cold air.

Time ceases to exist.


Her blood.

He covers his mouth as a sob of distress attempts to heave from his chest. Thunderous heartbeats deafen him. Remorse claws around his lungs.

I did this to her.

"Ashton?" a soft voice hisses behind him.

He whirls around to find Vivian nosing her head inside the loft from outside. Thunder cloud eyes are stained with fear. "Viv," he breathes.

"You have to listen to-"

"He hurt her," Ashton croaks.

Confusion crowds the plains of her pale face and she eases inside. "What?"

"You're brother attacked, Ria!" Ashton yells, finding strength in his hatred. "Look at what he did to her!" He jabs a finger at the pool of blood behind him. "He could have killed her." His voice shatters at the reality of it and his entire frame crumbles under guilt.

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