26 | menacing

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Take care of her.

"B-BRANDON?" The fabric of time slows but Ria barely has a moment to register what is going on

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"B-BRANDON?" The fabric of time slows but Ria barely has a moment to register what is going on. She goes to slam the door in his face, but his hand shoots out and he shoves it open. The force sends her stumbling back into the apartment.

Brandon, a brooding shadow in her universe, takes a step inside and slams the door behind him. Ragged hair is an inky mess around his head. Soulless eyes, black holes, scrutinize her.

"Ria, I hate to do this," he snarls, baring his teeth. He points the knife at her and stalks closer. "I've tried keeping it in, but every time you invite these men over, it just pisses me off. What is wrong with me?"

"Y-you're crazy." Her throat itches as her voice grows hoarse with petrification. She backs away on trembling legs. "Get out, right now."

She reaches for her phone, but Brandon is already on her. Their limbs are entangled and suddenly she's on the ground. She winces as the carpet burns her skin. Brandon pins her arms above her head with sweat and spit dripping from his red face.

"You don't get to talk to me like that!" he screams. Ria flinches and squeezes her eyes shut. Her heart slams into her ribs and her stomach twists into painful knots. "I'm not the crazy one. You're making me seem that way."

Why is he doing this?

"You don't even know me!"

"Oh," Brandon laughs and loosens his hold. His thin lips pull into a sharp smile. "You have no idea how much I know about you, Ria. You and that pretty boyfriend of yours. Or is it Chris again? Is Daniel going to be next on your list of men to fuck?"

Blood becomes a frozen stream in her veins.

How does he know about them?

How does he know?

Lungs are too tight. Unbreathable. Tears burn her eyes. Blind. Heart is pounding harder, faster, so much faster.

I can't breathe.
I can't breathe!
Please, help me.

She gasps for air. Her body shakes. "G-get-" She breaks into desperate sobs and shakes her arms. "Get away from me!" she cries.

"I hear and see everything, Ria." He sneers and leans in to whisper in her ear. "You're fucking loud and you like a guy that's rough don't you?" His boney fingers strike her face sending sharp tingles over her cheek. "Huh?" His sweaty grip bruises her wrists and he slaps her again.

Ria summons all of her strength to push him off, kicking her legs and thrashing her arms. Brandon's grip slips and he stumbles back. She rips away from him and shoves him to the side. Stumbling to her feet, she races towards the door. Her heart screams. Fire sears her vulnerable lungs.

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