37 | far away from home

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Pouring my heart out to you is not easy.

"IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL," Ria gushes as their cab whisks down streets that gradually give her a better view of the ocean

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"IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL," Ria gushes as their cab whisks down streets that gradually give her a better view of the ocean. It caresses the sky like two celestial bodies grazing along each other to create the most magnificent reflections of blue. Her face is practically pressed against the window like a child. Her vision is engulfed by vibrant buildings with pastel shades zipping by in a furious blur. Half dressed vacationers with tan skin and beach gear litter the sand-colored sidewalks and cross the congested streets.

She whirls to her boyfriend and nudges his leg. "I bet you're going to get so tan! You'll be as dark as me."

Ashton barely raises his eyes from his phone. His lips tug up into a pathetic half smile. "I guess so."

A blade poisoned with pain pierces her chest but she smiles past it. "So, what are you most excited for?" She rubs his leg and scoots closer to him in the back seat. "The ocean, I bet."

He offers an indifferent shrug, dangling on the lines of lackluster. "Yeah."

Another stab. "I can't wait to hear your story." She tucks gradually frizzing hair behind her ears. "It's almost been seven months. It's amazing that I've waited this long."



Anxious hands find themselves in a game of wringing together in desperation. She glances down. "I really love the ring you got me. It's beautiful."


Tears sting the corner of her eyes, but her smile remains. "I'm so happy my parents gifted me with a way to go back home. I've been dreaming about returning to Rome for years. I-I can't wait to take you with me. You'd love it there. You can even see the stars at night."

"That's nice."

Ria wipes her eyes and huffs. "Okay."

Is he thinking about Vivian? She glances at his phone as he types furiously across the dim screen. We're not supposed to be contacting anyone. Is he talking to her? Her stomach twists and she bites her lip to keep from prying. Does he still love her?

This is like Chris all over again.

She shakes that tainted thought free from her mind.

Maybe he's feeling depressed right now. I have to cheer him up.

Sucking in her fragile emotions, she gives one last effort. "I'm really happy to spend this time with you."

"Same here." Monotone, just like the rest of his measly answers.

Ria slumps back into her seat and clamps her mouth shut for the rest of the ride. Ashton doesn't say another word. He doesn't look up from his phone. Despite every smile and grin she gives him, he does not return her excitement.

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