Chapter 2~Don't Mess With It

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Recap of the first Chapter: Sabirah has been enrolled in a new prestigious Academy and got knocked into a new kid or shall I say handsome, guy*giggling* named Ashaz Armani in which fate has done a good job knocking them into each other so far. From wearing the same color to being assigned the same seats in Chemistry, Sabirah has been warned to be careful by her close friend Aliyah Ferhan. Being cautious and having a potential evil enemy with Reyhana Caesura, Sabirah is being watched by Reyhana who loves Ashaz. Going home after an eventful first day of school, Sabirah remembers her mother and drifts off to sleep in tears

" A small act of Kindess, can enlargen the love in hearts in those who care"-Sabirah Sayyef

I get knocked out of my slumber serenity to my cellphone vibrating in a rhythm accompanied by continuous flashing &ringtone, tossing over to face my pillow I check to see who could be bothering at such an hour, not surprised, I see Aliyah's name on my screen.

"I should set you up as my alarm, you do a better job than it" I say sarcastically while rubbing my eyes to wake up

"Girl quit with the jokes, you know you love talking to me, anyways that's not why I called" She says her tone changing from hyper to serious

"Then why did you call? I mean we all have a life right? Anyways get to the point" I huff getting out of my bed

"I don't like you when you wake up, you're mean" Aliyah says trying to sound like a hurt child "But anyways I called because remember that kid you said you sit by in Chemistry and English? Ashaz Armani?"

"Yeah, what about him" I reply trying to remember clearly

"Well word is out that he's got into some huge fight with father again and that he left his house. For good." Aliyah states emphasizing seriousness

"And I should care because?" I inquire as I see a note that my aunt left on my bedside table before I reach to it, Aliyah beats me by saying in exasperation

"Girl that means you're done for! As in you better sweet talk him tomorrow or you better not come to school because he will be in a not-so-hot mood because y'all sit together in Chemistry and English!" She's practically screaming through the phone now. I roll my eyes knowing where'll she's going with this

"And you know this because?"

Reyhana was on a high tide bragging about how she'll be buying him a gift for the hardship he's going through and nagging about how bad she feels. But in actuality, we all know what she's really after" She finishes as a matter-of-factly

"That's great because I could care less and first of all, nobody can try to sass with me like I'm beneath them because I will teach them a lesson. Second of all, Ashaz can take his anger out on me, but in return will get a piece of me. Third of all, no guy in this galaxy will ever get my sweet talk in that matter because I ain't cheap like that and nor should I be a kiss-up for that. So you can go tell Armani or whatever that kid is that he better be careful or he'll just learn the hard way!" I huff through the phone. Feeling my anger boiling, I calm down by saying "Authubillah" and pinch the tip of my nose.

"Woaahh! Chill girl, I didn't mean to get you upset, I was just tryna warn you like a good friend would, and knowing what potential damage Reyhana can cause, but sorry because that clearly didn't go well" She says defensively. I sigh knowing how I tend to get mad quickly and spaz when I do, which I have to start controlling

"I'm sorry Aliyah, I just woke up and I hate having to already know this drama which I don't want to be part of. I mean man; it's only the first week of school" I let out a sigh before continuing " I know you care and you're amazing for that, you seriously are, but I have enough to think about, I don't want to add this on my list. You understand habibti?"

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