Chapter 11~ Returning the Madness

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Ashaz POV

"My silence is not my weakness, but the beginning of my revenge." -Ashaz Armani

I slammed the brakes so hard I almost swerved off the road as cars behind me honked so loud at the sudden stop.

"They what?!!" I yelled into the phone as shock and worry registered all over my face. My heart started beating three hundred miles per minute. I couldn't believe my ears. Sabirah was in the hospital because she got shot. And Samatar passed out in the hospital suffering a concussion. Fury and rage took over me, energizing my body as I clenched to the steering wheel until my knuckles turned white.

"I'll be there in 10!" I shouted into the phone to Zubayr as he told me the horrific news. Bismillah. Bismillah. Bismillah. I breathed in and out recollecting myself. My temper will seriously cause me danger if I don't control it. I thought to myself. I came to an abrupt stop at a 3 way before quickly hitting the speed brakes to continue. I heard a police siren in the far distance, but instead of slowing down, I picked up my pace while drifting into the Hospital parking lot. I quickly jogged out to pay for my ticket before rushing into the clergy reception desk.

"I'm here to see Sabirah Sayyef and Samatar Ahmed." I said in between ragged breaths running a hand through my hair. The nurse looked up at me with sad eyes before writing down their location.

"What's wrong..? Are they ok?" I asked becoming more worried than I already was.

"Let's pray that they will be." She said before returning to her computer. I clenched my fists at her words. What did she mean "Pray that they will be? She could've just said yeah they will be." I said to myself. I pressed the elevator button with such force that I thought it would break. When it finally came, I waited patiently for the elderly people to file out before getting into it. I reached the sixth floor of ICU running down the corner until I saw people waiting in the hallway. Some crying others comforting and suffering their own loss. My heart sank in my chest. I walked over to where Sabirah's family was seated where her aunt had her head in her hands sobbing with her husband holding her and soothing her with inaudible words.

"Assalamu Alaikum.." I said quietly having everyone suddenly look at me.

"Wa'alaykumus Salaam Ashaz darling." Sabirah's aunt said looking up at me with a wet face. In the corner I saw Samatar's mother crying as well having her kids surround her soothing her with their cute voices. I walked over to them

"Habaryar it's gonna be ok Inshaa'Allah, at least he's alive Alhamdulillah." I said pulling her into a hug. Habaryar Shukri was like a second mom to me next to Nana. She practically always treated me as her own as Samatar and I grew up. She was sobbing now, on the chair with her kids consoling her. I felt so helpless as I saw her in a state she didnt deserve to be in.

"He's just like his brother." She said inbetween silent tears. " I already lost one and now I'm about to loose another." I felt confused. Why was Habryar saying this? Samatar was nothing like Shakir his older brother. As an acception, yeah he did get off track at times and he did have his Jahiliyyah days, but for some reason, Samatar was getting better the more he was around Sabirah, which probably explains why they were together in this incident. I was so lost in my thought I didn't even hear when the doctor came out to us to speak to Samatar's mother. He approached her, as she looked up at me with pleading us to go with her. And so I did. After a minute of zigzagging through corridors, we sat in the doctor's office where his tired face met with ours as he clasped his hands.

"How are you Mrs. Ahmed?" He asked Samatar's mother in a calm, serene voice

"Alhamdulillah I'm alright. Can you tell me how my son is now?" She asked with such eagerness.

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