Chapter 12~ Blinded through Feelings

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Sabirah's POV

"Don't call me heartless, I just learned to use my heart less. And just because I'm breathing, doesn't mean I'm alive." -Sabirah Sayyef

I fluttered my eyes having the light's ray attack me enabling me to automatically close them again. I did this a numerous amount of times again before finally being able to keep them open. I looked around my surrounding and saw that I was clearly somewhere in a hospital. The beeping of my IV kept interrupting my thoughts as I tried to focus. I looked down at my hands and saw patches of areas they dived with needles. Thank Allah I wasn't awake to feel them poking me. I said to myself. Speaking of awake, how long was I out? It only felt like I was sleeping for an hour. I tried to roll over and sleep to my right side since sleeping on my back was making me stiff. But as soon as I tried to move, sharp pain pierced through my back making me howl in pain.

"Ahhhh! Oww!.." The monitors around me started beeping loudly all at once.I broke into sobs at the pain as I tried to regain my breath. Before I knew it, nurses came rushing in to meet me.

"Oh My! She's finally awake!" One nurse beamed turning of the IV

"Shh.. It's alright buttercup. Its alright. I got you." She said calming me down in her arms

"I'll go call her family." Another insisted as she bounced out of the room.

"You're a very brave girl and what you did for your friend was very noble. You're family will be here soon and you'll be better in no time dear alright?" She finished wiping the last of my tears the fixing my pillows and helping stabilize my position. Did everyone know what I did for Samatar? Because I should've been dead by now.. I wanted to be in Jannah with my mother. I let another set of tears slide down my face as soon as the thoughts clouded my mind. All this energy was making me tired. I just wanted to see Mikhail, and Habaryar and Abti... Before I knew it, I was in darkness once again.



I woke up to a soft voice calling my name. I opened my eyes and turned my head to see who it was. My heart started racing with joy at the sight. It was Mikhail and Habaryar. She walked over to me with such caution and tenderness as tears started swelling up in her eyes. Mikhail on the other hand came rushing over to me embracing me in the best hug I've had in ages.

"Sabiwah you're awake! I'm so happy! I made duaa to Allah I never thought you would never wake up! Please don't leave me Sabiwah." He sobbed into my chest. My heart was overwhelmed with love for this kid, scratch that. Love was too little to describe what I felt for him. I felt my own tears spilling from my eyes as I hugged him back with the strength I had and took in his chocolate scent. His sniffles began to sooth down as he pulled away to look at me.

"You still look beauwiful, promise you'll play tiger with me when you come home?" He asked with pleading eyes pouting his lips. He was too damn adorable.

"Of course Mickey! What kind of sister would I be if I didn't? And I missed you more, Insha'Allah I wont leave you anymore ok?" I said to him softly hugging his small body back to my chest. He pulled away after a couple of seconds to the voice of my aunty who was telling him to not make me use energy

"Sabirah..." She began sobbing standing at the head of my bed.

"Shh.. Aunty don't worry Alhamdulillah I'm alright by the grace of Allah." I said to her inbetween the hug we were now sharng. I hugged her with all my might as pain once again shot through my back.

"I swear I will be a better aunt.. I'm so sorry this happened to you. It was my fault, I should've---"

I held up a hand to signal her to stop with respect and a small smile.

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