Chapter 13~Sudden Shift

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Samatar's POV
"I was falling in love.. And I was falling hard"-Samatar Ahmed

I punched the wall in my room, once, twice and thrice until I couldn't feel my knuckles anymore. How could she have said that after all we've been through together? We were practically best friends. I was so hurt and lost in my thoughts, I couldn't even hear my mom calling me.

"Samatar! Did you forget? You have your Psychiatrist appointment today in half an hour. Get your butt downstairs Warya!" My mom said in a joking tone.

I groaned rolling over on my bed stuffing my head into my pillow. Why today of all days did I have to see that pitiless lady? She probably didn't even want to see me. I never really cooperated with her which is why she made me see her more often. And to think that I needed to talk about "tragic experience". How much more simpler could it get? My best friend saved my life that made me start to really like her. Simple as that. Why make it so complicated? Erghh.. I really hated my life at the moment. I grabbed my keys and headed towards my car. Did I say car? Yeah my new babe that my mother got for me after the incident. It was a 2013 Lexus. Sweet right? I never asked where she got the money to buy it from. But I knew that wherever she got it from, it was halal. So I had no worries. Kissing my mother goodbye, I left the house. Having Sabirah's words taunt me over and over again in my head.

"Stop acting as if you owe me everything in your might!"

The words echoed in my head.I rested my head on the steering wheel collecting myself to calm down. The pain in my stomach kept gnawing at me. What did I do wrong this time? I kept asking myself. Whatever it was, I would find out. And when I did, I would get back the girl of my life.


I arrived at the colorful office that supposedly served the purpose to make me feel better. I was ready to punch any guy who looked at me the wrong way. That's how mad this place made me. I checked in at the front desk proceeding to the dull room. As I walked in, I froze in my position. Lori waved to me motioning me nonchalantly to come sit. But I couldn't.

Sabirah was here.

I gulped so nervously, I think they heard. I took my chair and faced Lori, making my face seem so concentrated on her words. But in reality, I was feelings so many emotions at once that I couldn't focus.


"Yeah was'up?" I dazed off and she would make me stay afterwards.

"I need you to provide an input on how you think you and Sabirah can be more positive about this experience." Is she crazy? What positive aspect could this experience bring except trauma? I swear this lady was cray cray.

"Well I think that it shows what a strong bond Sabirah and I can establish. Right Sabs?" I said looking at her with my charming smile. To my luck, she just scoffed and turned away. Shit. This would be harder than I thought.

"Do you agree with that statement Sabirah?" She asked taking notes

"Well.." She began sitting up straight in her chair. "That's only true if you stop treating me like a kid and acting like my body guard." She stated piercing her beautiful hazel eyes at me. Ouch, that hurt though

"Well I wouldn't have to act like it if you didn't put your life in danger saving mine. Its called redemption ya know?" She mocked me before answering

"Well stop trying to redeem yourself. You're not a sales object being repurchased."

"Why are you so mean?"

"Why are you so nice?"

"Because, everyone likes the nice guy." I flashed her a smile

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2014 ⏰

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