Chapter 9~ Double Death

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Samatar's POV

"And in that moment, I realized that the reason why my heart was still beating, which is because of the love it has for her, long after her's wakes up again." -Samatar Ahmed

The blood pooled all over me. I lay in shock as a body lay heavily on top of me. My mind we working at a thousand clicks per minute. People crying, wondering as well as news reporters were crowding around the building. My attention was scattered on one thing as the world turned chaotic around us.


She lay still on my chest, not breathing, her warm blood oozing all over me. And at that moment, a bunch of paramedics came rushing over to us, some carrying the stretcher while others called out for equipment. They lifted her lifeless body off of me asking me a gazillion questions at once in a calm tone. But all their voices were drained from my hearing.

"Inject the IV!"

"Get the Defribrillators!"

"She's got zero oxygen! Insert the oxygen mask!"

"She's bleeding at an abnormal, rate, prepare a blood transfusion!"

Echoes being stretched while the shock within me left me mute. I was gone. There was an inner part of me screaming in my head telling to answer them, to give them a response. While my brain shut down on focus on everything but Sabirah.

She's dead. This is it. No! It couldn't be! Sabirah was what I lived for, she was the one who helped me find my way back to Allah! It couldn't end like this. I know we all die at an appointed time, but I will not accept this unless I tried my best. Once again, my body was too limp to move. And so, they started to press the defribrillators against her. Each time having her body jump at the electric shock.

"It's too late" I heard one paramedic say as they all stood around her waiting for a miracle. Just then, my body shot with electricity and the shock within me left. My attention snapped back to place having flashbacks of the previous moments that would haunt me forever. I raced over to where they were standing grabbing the defribrillators out of their hands.

"No! It's not too late! You're saying that because you give up!" Anger started boiling in me but I quickly dismissed it knowing that Sabirah's life was more important.

"Sir--" Began a paramedic

"Listen, if this was the life of someone you loved, you'd give it your most. Try to understand." I hissed at him

"Bismillah." On the count of three, I pressed the defribrillators against her, still not getting a response. Tears started swelling my eyes. "Sabirah please do this for me, I can't have you leave me. Wake up!!" Please Allah, don't take her away from me just yet.I sobbed having to press the defribrillators again. Again she didn't wake up. And on the last try, her eyes popped opened as she gasped for air. She started coughing more and more until she was coughing up her own blood.

"OhMyAllah, it's gonna be ok Sabirah." I said holding her precious body to my chest. Thank you Allah, thank you for you can never be thanked enough for your blessings. I started crying blocking out the world around us, crying at the mercy of Allah, crying to have been another chance, crying because of redemption. Most of all, I cried knowing the girl I loved most would still able to breathe.


They rushed her to the ICU unit, as doctors and nurses rushed along side the gurney yelling orders. I was taken to another room to be assessed as I was pressed down on the hospital bed.

"No! I wanna see her! I wanna see if she's ok!" I said sternly to the couple of nurses who filled into my room.

"Honey, you need to calm down, your blood pressure is rising because of your anger and your heart recently recovered from shock. So please relax and stop stressing your mind and heart out. If you cope with us, I promise to let you see her." She said sympathetically. It was either she went through the same things I did, I concluded or that she really knows the compassion needed to work in a hospital.

"Is my mother worried, or is she here?" I asked knowing my mother would break down at this. She thinks I'll end up like him. I thought. She thinks I'll end up shot and dead in an alley because of a gang like my brother.

"Yes, she was informed sweety, but right now your health is more important, so please do as we ask."

"Can I have some privacy then please?" I asked in a serious tone. I hated how women would not care to give me privacy

"Sure, after you change into the hospital gown, drink the glass of water on the bedside and we'll be back soon." She slide the curtain closed. I changed into my gown and gulped down the water. I walked over to the mirror groggily and saw my face. I still had some of Sabirah's blood on me. My face looked exhausted and my eyes were tinted black. Worst of all, my hair was disheveled.

"I look like a mess." I muttered to myself running a hand through my hair. Despite all that I was seeing, the only thing that ran my mind was knowing that Sabirah was fighting for her life while I had mine. Tears started rolling down my cheeks. This was all my fault. It should've been me that was shot. It was because of my sins that she has to pay for. I was the one that deserved to have my life at risk. And now she'll be having to go through this trauma for the rest of her life. I thought as my body started shaking with tears. It hurt. It hurt so bad that I sank to the floor holding my hand to my heart. Just then, the IV attached to me started beeping loudly as nurses rushed in.

"Leave me alone! Get out!" I raged at them as they tried to help me. "Get off of me don't touch me! She's dying and it's all my fault!" The tears were coming uncontrollably now. Flashbacks of how my brother's funeral was held starting flashing my mind. My mother's tear's that was heard for months through her door. And most of all, how Sabirah's family would hate me for this. How I was to live for something that should've been me. My mistakes. My past, my history with corrupt people. All had to be paid by the most beautiful, innocent girl in the world.

"She saved my life. She saved my life."

I whispered to myself having reality sink in. My vision started going blurry. I rubbed my eyes again. Just then, I almost fell over having my vision double. My mind started spinning as I tried to regain my balance. Right before I reached the handles on the bed, I collapsed to the floor, as I embraced the darkness rushed to meet me.

Author's Note;

Salaam Everyone, I just wanted to say thank you for reading my book because without you guys reading, I wouldv'e never published. Second thing being that yes, we finally reached a climax in the story right? OhMyAllah!! What's happening? is Samatar possibly falling for Sabiraah? And what about Ashaz though? Lawd, so much drama, vote, comment and tell me what you think. Love you guys, stay true and stay reading because reading is power:) Salaams

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