Chapter 4~ Unfaithful Betrayal

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Sabirah's POV

" Friends can betray you any time, but with an enemy, you know where they stand" -Sabirah Sayyef

The bell rang over my head, waking me up from the zombie state I was in. I hurried over to my locker through the bustling hallways maneuvering my body to make sure I didn't come in contact with any person of the opposite gender. I made Wudu earlier and didn't want to break it before I could pray Salaatul Doha by bumping into them. I reached my locker and breathed out a sigh of relief. I stuffed my books organizing them into their sections while retrieving my Islamic Studies materials. Closing my locker I came face to face with Aliyah's big brown eyes staring into mine. I involuntarily let out a shriek

"What is wrong with you? Don't you know that some people are sensitive, per say people like me?" I finished feeling like I just jumped out of my skin. Of course, this only resulted in a course of laughter from Aliyah

"Your face, and your eyes" She said in between fits of laughter. "Quality entertainment bro" I looked at her with a serious face scowling to emphasize my sensitivity.

"Oh come on, lighten up will ya? I mean what's the worst that could happen? You have a heart attack?" She asked gesturing with her hands

"Yes! So don't do it again, and come on we're gonna be late for class" I grabbed her arm to lure us through the packed hallway. Forgetting to get out my Mushaf, I went back to my locker.

"Why are you going back" She asked me

"I forgot my Mushaf" I answered putting in my combination.

"OMG"... Aliyah started grabbing my arm.

"What is wrong with you Aliyah" I pry trying to get off her strong grip. I look to see where she was looking. She was looking over my shoulder towards a group of boys that were playing football and hanging around

"Look there! See that guy? Oh My God Sabirah he's beyond hot! He's gorgeous like smokin' hot!" She was now fan girling

"Aliyah, stop this" I turn her to face me. "You're not acting like the proper Muslimah, stop drooling over him, you're not even supposed to be looking at him ok? Snap out of this" I finish

"I know but have you seen him Sabirah? I think he's new like look at that thing he's wearing and how bomb he's made it look" She gestures towards his outfit. "Just look at him!" She forces me to face where he was standing. He was among the Junior guys of Abdurahman, Zubayr and a few others that I had classes with. Then I turned to see Ashaz leaning against a locker looking nonchalant with all the hyper that was going around him. She was right though. He was cute Mash'Allah. He was wearing a blue thawb with a black V-Neck and a blue and black Kufi. He was built, with a milky complexion and a growing stubble. He looked at me with grey eyes and a nice smile before looking away. Oh snap! He's looking at me! I quickly turned away before realizing that I probably just scanned him. Subhan'Allah, I did it again. I thought with a groan. How could I? I really hate the Shaytaan knowing this was one of his tricks to commit a sin. I felt angry and awful all at the same time. I turned to Aliyah with disappointment rushing through me.

"You" I was pointing my finger in her face

"What?" She asked trying to act innocent

"Why would you do that? I specifically told you to not look at him. And then you make me face him? Friends are supposed to suppose to race each other to Jannah, not hold hands towards the Hell Fire" By now, I saw the regret in her eyes, and so I calmed myself down.

"Look, I'm sorry, I know that was wrong, but I was just admiring Allah's creation ya know, no biggie" She winked at me. I sighed in defeat throwing my hands up into the air. Aliyah could really be stubborn at times. I thought to myself, so I just made a personal note to make Duaa for her tonight. I walked down the hallway not even bothering to inform Aliyah who seemed to have already caught up a conversation with one of Reyhana's friends. Before I could turn the corner, I felt myself get slammed into a nearby locker having pain shoot through my head and body. The hallway let out a sudden gasp as the world around me blacked out for a second. I woke up to faint voices in the distance calling my name. The sunlight that was coming through the glass windows of the school was now attacking my eyes. I put my hand over my eyes to focus on the commotion around me. Aliyah was sitting at the foot of my head with fear in her eyes as she repetitively called my name questioningly. I sat up from my position. The boys were now at a near distance huddled in a circle watching my every move. A guy with strong perfume came up to me apologizing.

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