Chapter 10 Had Better Nights

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Picture of Cassadee Pope as Lexi on the side


Lexi  P.O.V

Chaces lips felt soft and warm, they were in perfect sink with mine as i kissed him back, but then i remembered, this was chace so i shoved him back as far as he would go away from me, then i swing my fist forward and punch him the nose. His nose started bleeding again but this time i made no attempt to help him. His punk ass just kissed me and i know what your thinking you kissed him back so why are you freaking out. Well the answer to that is I JUST KISSED CHACE FREAKEN PETERSON, my worst nightmare came true but the worst part is that i didnt actually mind that much. Its horrible, not that he isnt hot or anything im not blind he is smoking hot but i just dont like his personallity. Now Chace is just standing in front of me with a smirk on his face and that makes me want to punch  him all over again.

"I told you I always get punched in the face around you", Chace says while wipeing blood away from his nose with his sleeve.

"WHAT THE HELL CHACE", was my smart reply, note the sarcasm

"You weren't complaining when we were kissing babe", Chace smiles and sends me a wink, my cheeks instantly started to go red and Chace just chuckled

"Why did your punk ass just kiss me", i ask anger boiling within me

"Now Lexi i didnt know you knew so much about my ass and you kissed me back remember", Chace gives me a smug look

 "WHAT I just, oh shut up", i say before storming out of coaches office.

I made it out the doors of the coaches office, threw the boys locker room which was completely empty and along the checkered corridor, I just had one more door till I was free and in the school car park when something grabbed my wrist and i went flying towards them hitting something hard. Its Chace standing in front of me wearing no shirt, his perfectly toned ab's shinning in the moon light with a sad expression on his face.

"What the-', Chace cut me off before i had a chance to finish

"Look Lexi I'm so sorry that was a dick move, it didnt mean anything and im really really sorry it wont happen again", Chace says with so much sincerity. I feel a jabb of pain in my chest when he said it didnt mean anything but I just shake that off

"You said that last time you kissed me you dick head", I practically spat at him

"I know but this time i mean it, I wont kiss you ever again unless you ask me too", Chace replies

"Well you will be waiting a really long time for that to happen", I yelled at him

"Well see" he said with a smug smile

"Yea whatever now can you put you a shirt on now", i ask pointing at his gym bag in his hand

"Ahhh Lexi your breaking my heart, i thought you liked me with no shirt", Chace said faking hurt

"In your dream", I say with a smirk

"Oh in my dreams you do allot more then just look at my Ab's if you know what i mean", Chace says with a wink

"Eww Chace your so gross", I say punching him in the arm

"Lexi i was talking about us playing go fish, God your a dirty minded girl", Chace says with a chuckle and a playful smile while grabbing a bright green shirt out of his gym bag that matches with his black jeans.

"Yea whatever lets get going before Ryan get more angry than he already is", i say cringing at the memory of the look on Ryan face after he pulled Chace off Charlie.

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