When Love Takes Over

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Hey so this is my first story hope you like it and sorry about the spelling


Lexi P.O.V

"IM GOING TO KILL HIM" I yell, rushing through my bedroom door with 3 cokes in my hand. Two of my very confused best friends Sara and Jess were spread out across my bed doing homework. Sara is medium height with blue eyes and short blond hair. She is naturally skinny. Jess is the complete opposite she has brown eyes and long black hair. Jess is a bit chubby but it works for her because she is super tall. While I am tall with medium length brown and blond hair, with grey eyes, I'm a little bit bigger than Sara and a little smaller than Jess. Im a healthy girl but I eat way too much. Luckily I have a fast metabolism so I don't have to worry about watching what I eat too much.

"Calm down who are you talking about", Jess said in that annoying 'I'm going to calm you down so you stop tripping out tone'

"Well obviously she talking about Nate" Sara started but I cut her off

"Nope" I said popping the 'P'

"William' she asked again

"Na-ah" I replied

"Oh I know now. James,right?", she questioned me.

'No, stop listing my brothers friends', I replied getting annoyed

'Then who", they said in unison

"CHASE" I said with all the venom I could muster.

Their eyes suddenly went wide in shock.

For you to fully understand I will have to take you back to the worst day of my life. The day I met Chase Peterson. YAY. Note the sarcasm.


I sat at my usual desk with my five besties Sara, Jess, Lilly, Jill and Holly like every other day in the most amazing subject ever WORK SHOP (where you build cars and stuff)

"Hey Lexi have you heard the great news yet", Lilly questioned me

"Nope what's the great news?", I questioned her back

"Omg so there is a new kid at school and apparently he is smoking hot", Lilly squealed

All the girls started giggling except for me who started to smirk.

"No Lilly i haven't heard, I'm guessing you've already called dibs" I said with the slightest smirk on my face.

Everyone starts laughing really loudly, including me. My stomach hurts so much that I think I might just pee my pants. The other girls look like they are in the same state I am.

"You know it girl" Lilly says after we all finish laughing and by the tone in her voice I can tell she won't give up until she gets him.

****After Class heading to the lunch room, Still Flashback****

Entering the lunchroom the girls and I were messing around and laughing as always. I am so distracted by my conversation with Holly about what she is going to do this weekend that I am totally surprised when I suddenly get hit by something hard.

"Owww", I scream while falling to the ground with today's lunch special all over me, Spaghetti. Everyone suddenly goes quiet. I sit there in shock for about 10 seconds before I hear someone clearing their throat. I look up to see this totally smoking hot guy with the most amazing Hazel eyes I have ever seen in my life. I find myself suddenly speechless while looking over his features. His hair is a mousy brown colour and is styled like he was a male model. I find myself starring at his beautiful muscular arms when all of a sudden he clears his throat again. I get up and start to dust myself off while Lilly and Sara ask me if I'm alright. I turn back to Mr. Hottie and put an apologetic smile on my face.

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