Chapter 9 The Game

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Lexi  P.O.V

The week flew by after that and by the time i realised it was Friday night and i was in the stands at my brothers football game sitting with all my friends waiting for the players from both teams to come out. I was sipping on my drink when the commentator started announcing the players of our team then the players of the other team. They started with the low grade players and i was totally zoned out until 8 words caught my attention

"And the captain of Hilton prep CHARLIE HALE", the commentator yelled excitedly

Thats when i turned to look at the handsome man coming out onto the field looking very hot and yes it was the charlie from the party, thats when i started choking on my drink and gasping for air

"Omg Lexi are you ok", Jess yelled at me

"Quick someone do something", i heard Sara say

"Guys im ok", i  reasure them when i can breath again 

"What happened to you one minute you were drinking happily then you just started choking", Holly asked concern thick in her voice

"Well umm you guys know how i told you about that charlie guy at the party last weekend", i stopped making sure they were all following me

"Yea", they say in unison


"You know Ryan is going to kill him then you right Lexi", Lilly says to me

"I know", i grown to her

For the rest of the game i sit in the stands praying to god that Charlie doesnt recognise me and by the last  20 seconds on the clock the score is 46 River Vally Prep and 48 Hilton. Chace had the ball and was running down the field dodging the other teams attempts at tackling him when a big buff guy comes out of no were and tackles him.

All you can hear around me is gasps but it is soon blocked out when i can hear my heartbeat in my ears. Luckily Chace is ok and starts to get up, then the game continues with chace still in possession of the ball.

Their is now 10 seconds left on the clock when Chace sees that the other team are staring to double up on him but then he sees Ryan Running down the field with no-one following him. Chace then throws the ball to Ryan and with 1 second on the clock Ryan gets the winning touchdown. I am so excited that i run onto the field and jump into Ryans arms like i do after everyone of his games.

"Congradulations bro", I say to ryan with a big smile

"Thanks sis", Ryan replies twirling me around, Chace at his side the entire time. He is use to our after game hugs.

I look over to see Charlie heading in our direction. Oh no i  am going to get killed my Ryan for talking to Charlie at the party only god can save me now.

"Congratulations on the win boys", Charlie says with a grin looking my way

"Thanks", Ryan replies angrily seeing that charlie is grinning at me

Ryan starts dragging me away when i feel a hand grab my wrist and i go flying into Charlies firm chest

"Hello Lexi", Charlie says with a mischievous smile

"Hello Charlie", I reply rolling my eyes

"Dude let go of my sister now", Ryan yells at Charlie with a deadly tone

Charlie lets me go and smiles at me

"Ok i just have to do something first", Charlie says with another mischevious smile before he pulls me back closer to me and starts kissing me, i push him away for me

"You should run", I say angrily

"Why", charlie asks

"Because my brother is about to loose it", i repy stepping away from him

Just then Ryan goes ape shit and launches himself at Charlie and pins im to the ground and starts punching him, then the pair start rolling around on the ground punching eachother. Thats when then both teams start fighting eachother. Football players fighting eachother everywhere. This is what i mean about hating eachother, the only sane person is chace who is standing right next to me watching Charlie and Ryan fight

 "Are you going to stop the fight or not", I ask Chace when he turns to look at me

"Fine", Chace says before breaking up the fight between Ryan and Charlie. Chace has to phisically hold back Ryan while Charlie just stands their smirking, the he turns to me

"Call me later babe", Charlie says walking away, but then that sets chace off he launches for Charlie knocking him to the ground and starts punching him. Charlie gets in one blow to Chaces face before Ryan grabs the back of  Chaces shirt

"Man he is not worth getting suspended over", Ryan whispers to Chace  

"Come on boys i will fix you up", I say to them

"im alright Lexi you go fix chace up in coaches office and i will change and wait in the car for you too", Ryan says not looking at me. I can tell he is really angry so i agree and Chace leads me to coaches office where i start fixing up his split lip and bleeding nose.

After five minutes of fixing him up i sigh and start packing up the first aid kit and put it back, when chace starts talking to me

"Have you noticed when im around you, I end up getting punched in the face", Chace says to me with a smile

 "I didnt ask you to do that Chace", i reply frouning 

"well its too late to take it back now Lexi", Chace replies before kissing me with so much passion that it nearly makes me faint

Sorry i havent uploaded in ages i just couldnt think of anything to say but i will update again soon ENJOY VOTE COMMENT, I LOVE CHOCOLATE

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