Chapter 2 Well This Is Kinda Awkward

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We walked into the bathroom and she pointed to the toilet for me to sit down. I couldn't figure out why she was helping me. She says it was because she wasnt cold hearted like me, whatever that means. I look over at her to see her rummaging threw the first aid kit. Lexi's beautiful hair was pulled up into a pony tail and her fringe hung slightly over her face. She was wearing a purple and black tank top with black short shorts that made her butt look so cute.She didn't notice me watching her until she looked up with a patch in her hand, her face turned kinda sour when she saw me looking at her.

"What" she asked bitterness hung in her voice, I always seemed to have that effect on her ever since the first day we met in the lunch room at school. "Nothing" I said while she walked towards me, she stopped in front of the sink grabbed a few tissues, wet then then walked back towards me 'I'm not going to lie this is going to hurt alot", she said with a smug smile, then started dabbing my noise with the wet tissues. I flinched away in pain as soon as the tissue hit my noise, Then she started laughing. I could see she was enjoying my pain. "Oh stop being such a baby", she said trying not to laugh again while carefully dabbing my noise this time."I wasn't it just really hurt thats all", I said trying to defend myself but the smug expression still stayed on her face.                          "sure sure" she said with a smile, "Anyway you deserve it for what you did to me"                               "Yea well im sorry I kissed you, It wont happen again Promise", I say as she gently puts the patch over my noise and says                                                                                                                                      "All done", She says examining her handy work. "Well umm thanks for fixing me up", I jumped up from the toilet seat and stood in front of her awkwardly. "Don't mentions it" she says looking me in the eyes, I must have gotten lost in those beautiful eyes of hers because she was suddenly calling out my name.  "Sorry what did you say"                                                                                                             "I said dont mention it to anyone or i will kill you, You understand", she says trying to look all serious, then she turns around and heads out the bathroom door but looks back to see my answer. "Yea i understand", I say then she looks straight ahead and keeps walking out the door.


I left him standing all by himself in the bathroom, I headed back to my room to see if my friends were there waiting for me like the usually are when i am upset. I hear arguing as i step closer to my door, I deside to listen to what is happening in there before i enter so i put my ear to the closed door than hear,

"What im sure she doesnt like him"

"OMG for a smart girl you really can be dense sometimes"

 "No im not"                                                                                                                                    

"Yes you are" 

"Ok miss you thing you know everything,how can you tell she likes him"

 "Well its obvious, she always yells at him, she always says how he is such a jerk and she cant shut up about him"                                                                                                                                                  I then decide that i should stop this argument so i open the door slowly pretending that i havent heard anything about what they were just saying.                                                                                       "Hey guys", i say to a very angry looking Sara and Jess.                                                                            "Oh umm hey Lexi did you hear anything about what we were just talking about", Jess says looking very nervous. No was it anything i should know about", i reply                                                                  "No", Sara replies so fast i nearly miss what she is saying. "Ok then you guys are weird", i say before shutting the door again and flopping onto my big comfy bed.

Ok so im kinda having a writes block so can you guys comment and give me some ideas that would be really appreciated :)

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