Chapter 13 Pick Up Lines

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Lexi P.O.V

"Hey Lexi", a male voice comes from behind me

"What", I reply not even looking at them just, I just keep getting stuff out of my locker.

"Did it hurt", his question takes me off guard so I turn around to see a guy with dark brown hair and brown eyes.

"Did what hurt", I asked confused

"When you fell from heaven", He smiled at me

"I didn't fall from heaven", I say rolling my eyes and walking away

"What so your not an angel, my mistake you just look like one", He says following me

"Can you please just go away", I say getting frustrated

"Now why would I want to leave a girl as beautiful as you alone", He replies with a cocky smile

"Dude you heard her, leave her alone", a very familiar voice say.

I turn to see Chace with a very threatening expression on his face

"Ok dude no harm done", the guy I don't know says as he holds up his hands in a surrendering possession as he walks away.

"You okay Lexi". Chace concern shocks me a bit

"Yea I'm fine, you didn't have to do that. I had it handled", I told him as I started to make my way to first period, English.

"Really, huh from where I was standing it looked like you needed all the help you could get", the humor dripping from his words

"Yea well it looks like you need to go and get your eyes checked Chace. I'm pretty sure that you were seeing the whole thing wrong", I told him with smugness as I reached the English room.

"Haha very funny, aren't you such a comedian", sarcasm evident in his voice

"What can I say, it's a talent", I couldn't help but to smile at him

"Well I have to go, see you at lunch Sexy Lexi", he said with a wink and started to walk to his classroom

"I told you to stop calling me that", I yelled after him but it was too late he was already inside his classroom.

As I walked into the English room all the guys heads turned to me with hungry expressions on their faces as they checked me out. I'm still not used to this expression on their faces, ever since I grew up a bit the guys have stopped looking at me as Ryan's little sister and started to look at me like a piece of meat and quite frankly I was getting sick of it. I shot all the guys a glare and made me my way towards my seat at the back, ready to listen to another boring lecture from the teacher.

(At Lunch)

I walk through the lunch room and sit at my usual table. By this time I am completely pissed off, all day I have been getting stupid pickup lines from all these different guys.

A few examples are:

"Do you sleep on your stomach Lexi, no well can I?" Or my personal favorite of the day,

"Do you have a mirror in your pocket? Because I can totally see myself in your pants". So all in all my day has been very shitty and I'm just about to snap if I hear another pick up line.

"Hey Lexi, you're looking fergalicious right now", I hear an annoying voice say

"OMG do you people ever shut up", I said starting to get really angry

"Can't I get left alone for 5 minutes for god sakes. It's not like if you say that horrible pick up line, my undies are going to magically drop for you" I say fuming.

I finally look up to see a very amused looking Chace and Ryan staring at me

"Wow Lexi, nice to know", says Ryan looking like he's about to piss himself with laughter.

"Ummmm Hahaha, yea sorry about that, I have been getting pickup lines all day and it's starting to piss me off", I say slightly embarrassed that I just made a fool out of myself

"No problem, we were just messing with you Lexi, we heard about the countless guys trying to get into your pants today", Chace says chuckling

"Yea well I'm not feeling well, I'm gonna head home early", I say to Ryan

"Are you okay" Ryan's concerned voice asks

"Yea I'm fine, just a little tired", I tell him

"Okay well I'll see you at home later, bye sis", Ryan says then kisses my forehead

"Bye bro, Bye Chace", I say giving them a wave.

Then I walk through the exit door to the car pack and get in my car then head home for a well-deserved nap.


Okay so it's been a while since I've updated. I was going through some personal problems and I had no time at all to write but I'm going to try and start updating again.

Bye bye for now Lauren :)

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