Chapter 10 - The Stealing of Jovani

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Avery's POV
I could hear muffled cries.
"AVERY AVERY!! Please wake up! Oh my god. Oh my god. No no no no please!! AVERY!" The screams got louder.
"Oh my god."
Suddenly I felt all the power in my body switch on.
I could feel water rising up from my stomach to my mouth. I sat up and coughed it all out. I saw Julian sitting next to me, tears trickling down his face, Ari was sitting behind me patting my back. A whole crowd surrounded me. I didn't like the attention. I was in shock. "What the hell happened!?" I said, beyond confused.
"Avery, Julian saved your life" Ari said.
"Oh well thank you" I said looking at Julian. I stood up and looked at all the crowed staring at me, there was at least fifty people there. I was so embarrassed and furious!
"I'M ALIVE!" I shouted walking off.

...Two Years Later ...

It had been two years since me and Jesse had an argument. We didn't even decide to settle things between us, we just held a grudge. For two years. And just recently Jesse DM'd me saying 'hey'. Julian kept on trying to make things between us brilliant, he put roses on my doorstep, texted me and asked how I was. He eventually got over me and started dating Everlyn, just to make me jealous. But the fact that she didn't tell me, the fact that she kept it a secret, pissed me off, Me and Ari haven't talked to her since. Coco, obviously took sides with Everlyn and split our group up. My only true friend is Ari, and I want to keep my friends limited, I can't be asked with bullshit.
'Hey Avery, want to hang out sometime?' Jesse texted me. It was so weird to think that he asked me out of the blue. I was curious myself and wanted to know why.
'Sure, when?'
'My house, tomorrow at 8'
'I'll be there'
'See you then x'

I saw Jesse in school and he smiled at me. I smiled back.
"Ari, How's your romance going with Jovani?"
"Slow. It's been two fucking years and the boy doesn't even see that I'm into him."
"Aww come here" I hugged her. She was so cute and adorable, I don't understand why Jovani isn't into her.
"Can I tell him that you like him?"
"Sure, but don't make it obvious"
"Okay, I won't lol"

The bell rang and I had science. I walked to my class and sat next to Jovani.
"Hey Jovani"
"Yeah what?" He said looking at me.
"You know Ari right?"
"Yeahhh what about her?"
"She really likes you and I think you should hang out with her"
"Yeah." He didn't seem happy or sad. He actually looked scared.
"Hey you alright?" I said leaning in looking at him.
"Uhh yeah I'm fine" no he wasn't, he looked like he was going to throw up.

At lunch I saw Jovani talking to Jerome about something. He looked really scared. They both did. So suspicious, obviously something was going on. "

"What are we going to do?!" I overheard Jovani say to Jerome. He sounded really scared and desperate.

"I can't believe this is happening Jerome!" Jovani bickered "What the hell are we gonna do!"

"Jovani, i think it's time" Jerome affirmed.

"Jerome are you crazy! My parents would kill me!"

What the hell were they on about!

I walked to Ari, she was by her locker.

"Hey Ari, do you know what Jerome and Jovani are hiding?" I took a sip of my coffee.

"Hmm no... they do look suspicious" she observed "He! Do you think its drugs!"

"Oh my god Ari! You're a genius!" I choked.

"That's why Jovani said his parents would kill him if he told them he was... dealing drugs! That makes so much sense. But honestly, Jovani and Jerome don't look like the kind of kids that would be dealing drugs.

"Oh come on, we're all seventeen years old, it's what kids us age do." Are explained.

"Ohhh that makes sense I guess, or what if Jovani is a drug addict?"

"Oh my god, it could be that too Avery. Shit, we should help him! We should get him help!"

"Wow wow Ari chill out, we can't just kidnap him and take him to a rehab facility!" And that's when Ari gave me that look, the devil smile.


The next day me and Ari ambushed Jovani as he was walking in the hallway by himself. We checked to see if anyone was around. "The coast is clear" I mouthed to Ari. Jovani was playing candy crush on his phone walking absentmindedly. Me and Ari had black balaclavas on. So he couldn't recognise us. Ari threw the brown potato sack over his head and I wrapped the silver duct tape over his wrists that were behind his back.

"What the hell!! AHHH SOMEONE HELPPPP!! AAAAHHH WHAT ARE YOU DOINGGG!!" Jovani screamed! Oh my god I felt so bad but then again we had to do what we had to do. It was for his own good.

"Shut up or we'll shoot you! I'm armed, punk!" Ari said in such a deep voice I that at that moment I thought she was actually a man!"

"What the fuck" I mouthed.

"I don't know" Ari shrugged. I heard Jovani whimper, but still struggling to get out of our grasp.


We dragged him into my car in the back seat. Ari sat next to him restraining him and boy she sure is strong. "Please let me go!!!"

"DRIVE!" Ari shouted in her deep ass voice. I stepped on it driving straight to the rehab facility. Probably at 50mph.

Ari ripped the sack from his head and looked at his face "He's gone darker, scars, dark circles, red eyes!" he has all the symptoms! Step on it!"


I drove even faster to the rehab facility. I parked the car near the entrance and me and Ari took off our balaclavas and dragged Jovani out of the car.

"Ari! Avery! What the fuck is going on!!" Me and I dragged Jovani to the entrance "What is this! Boynton Beach Rehab Facility!! I'm not a drug addict!!" We lost our grasp and he ran the opposite direction.

"Oi! Come back here idiot!" me and Ari ran after him. He tripped and fell on a branch and we both picked him up.

Me and Ari ran to the reception dragging Jovani "Excuse me ma'am, we paid our fee for room 26."

"I'm not a drug addict!! Let me go!!" Jovani shouted, protesting, trying to get out of our strong grasp on him.

The receptionist looked shocked.

"Hurry up, he needs his next cocaine fix that's why he's acting like this!!"

"Okay follow me" the receptionist said we dragged him down the hallway to room 26 and threw Jovani in and shut the door. "I'M NOT A COCAINE ADDICT!! ARI, AVERY I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIENDS!! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME! THEY- THEY KIDNAPPED ME!!" he howled, banging on the door.

"I'm sorry sir but we have to do a blood test on you and a 24 hour examination before you can go, you signed the agreement paper." the receptionist insisted.

"What agreement paper!! I didn't sign anything! Let me out!!" Jovani protested. The nurse walked away.

We started to talk to him from the other side of the door. "We're sorry Jovani, but we know you're in the mafia and about your cocaine addiction."


"Then why did you say you would give us 'the money'.''

"I don't want to talk about it." he whispered.

"Aha! See! Drug addict!!" Ari cackled.

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