Chapter 9 - Moving on

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Julian's POV

"I hear by sentence you, Paisley Watson to eight years in prison for; child abuse and child sexual exploitation." The judge said, slamming the hammer. After two weeks of depression and embarrassment, it was finally over. I got my life back.

Paisley is two months pregnant and her husband Roy came back two weeks before her hearing and I'm pretty sure they're getting a divorce. The authorities took some of my hairs and saliva samples as well as Roy's to see who is the father of the baby. I highly doubt I'm the father bacause I'm still a virgin! My Mom and Dad believe me and thats all that matters.
Turns out I was in hospital for one week. I havent heared from Avery since our break up. And luckily, the word didn't get round that I was groomed and kidnapped. Thank lord. I miss Avery so much. Part of me hates her and wants to tell everyone that shes bisexual, but that would be unfair, since she never told anyone about my problems. Avery blocked me on all social medias and my number so the only way I could talk to her was in person. I came home today and Paisley's hearing was a few hours forward.
I'm just glad its all over. I can finally go home and have my normal 15 year old life back. And I'm going back to school tomorow, its just going to be awkward walking past Avery and her squad in school.
Averys POV
"Heyy my italian friend. Yeah I know right! Ooh okay, cant wait to see you in school! Okay bye" I said sweetly shutting the phone.

That was Jesse. Yes, its only been like 6 days and I have moved on from Julian. He just used me. He was never a proper boyfriend, nor a good one. The whole thing with Paisley ruined everything and I couldn't stand being involved in it. The guy Im talking to now is... Jesse. Hes so smart and handsome and sexy, ugh I just love him. Only Ari knows that I'm talking to him. I only told her because shes the only person I 100% trust in my squad. Me and Jesse pretend we dont know eachother well in school because we want to keep it on the down low about us and our possible relationship in the future.
I am not planning to tell anyone for quite a long time because Jesse is one of Julians BFFs. And plus I dont want to look like a slut...
It was a bright sunny day, I walked through the school gates, which looked more like prison gates for some reason and saw Julian walk past me, he didnt even look at me, he just stared at his shoes as he hurried to his friends sitting on the railing. He looked like he was scared of me. I walked faster to get into school. And saw Ari run towards me.
"Hey! Avery!!" She shouted and started walking next to me "sooo, are you gonna give me details about you-know-who hmmm??"

She said raising her eyebrows and winking at me at the same time. I giggled and whispered in her ear "I have a feeling we're getting out of the friendzone faster than you think" I smirked. Ari's mouth was wide open.

"Okay can you give me some of your superpowers! How are you so good with guys?!"
"Okay, Ari, the last thing I need is you admiring me." I laughed.

"Wow, who said I was admiring you? Gosh Ave, you cant even take a complement without thinking your better than me"

"Sorry Ari" I said kinda shocked.
"No its okay, I'm sorry Ave, Its that time of the month and I transform into a bitch of a person" she said half crying, half laughing. Someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around to see Jovani with his cheesy smile and his arms were wide open.
"Hey Ave!" He grinned.
"Hey Jovani" I said hugging him "how've you been?" I looked at Ari, she looked hurt. Oh my god. I totally forgot that Ari's crush is Jovani! I feel like such a douche bag.
"I'm all good now that the Paisley situation is delt with" he whispered in my ear.
"Well I'm glad" I smiled.
"Hey do you wanna hang out sometime?" Wait. Hold up. My ex boyfriends identical twin brother just asked me if we should "hang out sometime"??
"Umm I don't-"
"You can bring Ari too" He smiled. I looked at Ari and she smiled at me and nodded.
"Mm... Okay then" I shrugged.
"Great! Meet me at the beach 8pm on Wednesday. They're having a bonfire there." He smiled and walked away.

It was Wednesday. 7:36pm.
I put on my white vans with a scooby doo top and black denim shorts. I ran to Ari's place and we both walked it to the beech. I saw Jovani there and when he turned around, so did Bay and Jesse. Oh no. This was a set up! And that wasn't Jovani! It was Julian!
" Ari, we've been set up, we have to go..." I whispered. We turned around and saw Jovani behind us.
"Avery, please listen-"
"No! You set me up Jovani! I actually thought you wanted to hang out but no! You wanted me to get back with your stupid brother!"
"AVERY LISTEN!" I've never seen Jovani this angry.
"All I want is for you and Julian to sort this out, I'm fed up of being in the middle of everything!"
"Okay okay! Fine!" I said angrily, making my way to Julian and grabbing his arm. I walked further away from Jesse and Jerome, near the ocean.
"What do you want Julian?" I said.
" I just want to make things right" Julian said "Please! Just hear me out Ave"
I crossed my arms and said "go on".
"Avery please know that I went through a lot these past few months. I was groomed, I was kidnapped, I was beaten. I just needed a little time, a little space to figure things out. Even if you have lost your feelings for me or whatever, please know that I still love you" Julian said, hoping for me to believe his words.
"I'm sorry for what happened to you but... I don't love you."
Everyone ran from the beech onto the roads. I turned around to see what they were running from and saw the ocean transform into a huge tidal wave eating its way through the beach.
"WATCH OUT!!!" Julian yelled grabbing onto me as the huge mountain of water fell on top of us. That moment I saw my whole life flash before my eyes.

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