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Me and Vik spent the rest of the day with his parents, and then drove home at night.
It was late, and dark, but whilst driving I saw a little nature park.
'Pull over.' I said quietly. Vik looked over, and frowned, but I opened my eyes wide, nodding at him.
He stopped the car, and got out, rubbing his arms to try and warm himself up.
He moved gratefully towards me as so wrapped my arms around him.
'Can we walk?'
'Of course.'
'I wanted to tell you something. I figured it'd seem more romantics here.'
We stopped in the centre of the reserve. The lights were low, and it was quiet, bar the sound of birds and... well... nature.
I kept hold of Vik, sitting cross legged on the floor. He sat opposite me.
'I just wanted you to know that... That everything I said to your parents was true. I really am gonna be by your side, always. I just... I know we're young, and that at our age, we aren't meant to be in love. We aren't meant to have found someone who makes our hearts beat faster. Being 19, apparently, is about fast, and wild, and naked girls high on drugs you can't pronounce.'
Vik laughed then.
'But that's not me. I prefer boys, for one thing, and ultimately, I'd give up fast and wild and drugs I can't pronounce, if it meant I got you. Because you're all I want.

And I guess I'm just in love with you.'

Vik pressed his hands to my cheeks, pulling me in for a kiss.
When we drove home, I fell asleep in the car.
I woke up to Vik looking at me from the drivers seat, pulled over at the side of the road, his eyes almost closed with sleep and his hand dangerously close to mine.
I woke up safe, I woke up happy, I woke up in love with my best friend.
And then, I fell asleep that way.


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