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'What are you so afraid of?'
He kept his head in my shoulder, his arms curled in at his chest as mine wrapped around his back.
'Losing this.'
'Losing you.'
I steered his small, shaken body over to the bed and sat him gently down. He looked down, keeping his eyes averted, his mood now dark and melancholy.
'Why would you lose me?' I asked quietly, moving to kneel in front of him so I could close my hands around his fingers.
'I feel like...' he choked on the words, sniffles, and leaned down to bury his head into my hair.
'Take your time, babe.' I murmured.
'I feel like now we've come out, we're meant to be perfect. I feel like we're meant to be this golden couple with no mess but it's not like that, and I feel like that's because I forced you into this.'
I felt my heart go cold as I tilted his chin so he was looking into my eyes.
'That's not true.' he tried to look away, but I kept hold of his face, forcing him to see the truth in my eyes.
'If I didn't wanna go through with this, Vik, I wouldn't have. I would have... I wouldn't have kissed you, in the first place.'
'I know. I'm just worried.'
'Is that why you've been... argumentative?'
I sat back up on the bed, pulled his head onto my knee so he could curl his feet under him on the bed, his head cradled in my lap.
'I love you.' I said, staring at the space ahead of me.
'I love you, and I love what we are. We don't need to be a 'golden couple' with 'no mess'. If the mess means I get you, then I want the mess. Hell, I'll take all the mess, if it means I can have you.'
I heard Vik sob slightly, as he sat up and threw his arms around my neck.
He pressed a kiss, soft and short, onto my lips.
'I love you.'
'You mean the world to me.'
I smiled at him, and the words that stumbled clumsily from his mouth, as I kissed him back.
I could handle the mess.


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