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Simon pushed a hand through his hair and a short laugh through his lips.
'Well, I wasn't expecting 'love'- but carry on.'
'I can't stop thinking about him.'
I paused, waiting for a smile, or a nod, just any acknowledgement that would signify he understood what I meant.
'Just talk, Harry.'
'Well... It's like... I'm not myself when he's not there. I get lonely when he leaves. It just makes me wonder, what do I do if he decides I don't love him enough? Like, I see him, and it makes my heart flutter- but then he sees me, and it's like... like... I dunno, man. It's amazing.'
Simon looked down at his hands, a small smile on his lips.
'That sounds like love.' he mumbled. I sighed, standing up, my hand against my neck.
'More like, that sounds like how you feel about Josh.' I commented, as he blushed.
'I guess you know about that.'
I smiled.
'You're hardly discreet.'
Simon laughed, and then looked at me intently, his mouth still curved in a smile.
'If you love him- like, really, truly love him- it's no good to keep it hidden.'
I nodded, drinking in his words.
'Love isn't meant to be hidden, Harry.'
I frowned, looking him up and down.
'Then why are you trying to hide yours?' I asked, a bite of suspicion in my tone.
Simon smiled at me sadly.
'I guess everyone's a little scared, bro.
It's just about who's willing to make the first move.'


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