The Airport

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Summer had broken late that year, but when it did it brought the warmest months Lima had ever witnessed and that very specific day was the hottest of all summer. A grade more and the asphalt would melt right under the people's feet.

The airport was not very crowded as usual, but when the Hummel family entered carrying all their luggage, a big group of people was chatting loudly, waving their fans and searching for the coolest spots.

"Guess it's our group" Carole Hudson Hummel said tearing up. She looked at her children with the most loving look, thinking that they were about to leave the nest.

"Mom, it's just two weeks, we'll be fine" said Finn, trying to cheer up his mother. They had never been apart that long, but he couldn't really understand Carole's tears. It was just fourteen days afterall. And they could skype and text.

"Carole, please, they are not babies anymore!" Burt said, but he was trying not to cry too. He and Kurt had been through a lot together and he couldn't keep his impassibility seeing him leave. Their bond had always been strong and he knew that this wasn't going to change things, but his baby was growing. The tiny baby he held in his arms shortly after he had been born was now a strong young adult, capable of being on his own and standing for himself.

There were other 22 kids in the room, chatting with their parents. Some of them were talking happily, some crying, most of them recommendating them what to do or not do.

Kurt didn't knew anyone, besides Quinn and Blaine.

Quinn and Kurt were in a drama course together when they were little and they attended the same school, but in different classes. They barely saw each others and they didn't spend time together, but it was always fun seeing each other again every year, it was a way to compare their growth and their experience.

Although Kurt considered Quinn just another silly girl, like many others, he didn't mind spending time with her.

Kurt left his family, who was now discussing about the various things they had to do and to see during their trip, and reached his old time friend. She was chatting with another girl, who didn't introduce herself but just looked at Kurt in the same way he would look at someone dressed with unmatchable colours. They didn't even talk and the girl, who, Kurt discovered later, was named Rachel, was already being rude to him. He was used to being treated that way, but only after he talked with people. And if she knew his sexuality from Quinn, well, she was just another short sighted girl, typical in Lima.

Kurt didn't pay attention to bigots anymore. He realized who he was really soon and he wasn't gonna change or hide for anyone.


"Are you sure it's safe?" Carole asked Burt, while also Finn was talking with his friends.

"Don't worry, Carole, they will just have fun" answered Burt, kissing her on her forehead.

"It's my role to worry, honey, what kind of mother would I be if I didn't?" Carole said, smiling and hugging her husband.

Actually she was really worried that the plane could crash or that someone would get kidnapped, lost or worse things. She wasn't really optimistic when it came to flights.

Late as usual, Mr. Schue finally came, greeting quickly the kids and their parents.

"Guys, come here, fast. And keep your passports in your hands, we're gonna need them soon."

"Come here guys" Carole said to Finn and Kurt, nearly crying. "Have fun, okay? We'll miss you." A tear rolled on her cheek.

"Oh, Carole" Kurt whispered, hugging her tight. Burt and Finn entered the family hug.

"Now go, kids, Mr.Shue is waiting for you two" said Burt, smiling sadly. Carole caressed Finn's face and placed Kurt's blue jacket tenderly.

Then Kurt with his two enormous bags and Finn with his small one went to the others.

Kurt looked at the other kids, Quinn was talking with Rachel and Blaine was still searching for his passport. Blaine Anderson was in his class for three years, but they never talked much and Kurt considered him a little mean and the classic popular boy. Never tried to become his friend. And it didn't mean to change his opinion about him during the next two weeks.

"The gate closes in 10 minutes, guys, take your ticket and hurry" Mr.Shue shouted. Carole and Burt hugged, goodbyeing their children one more time. Mr. Schue and the kids entered the gate, disappearing from the view of their parents.

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