Part 1

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"Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world." -Marilyn Monroe


Ho World Order

when was the last time a man gave you a Christmas gift that took your breath away? Where is that epic Valentine's Day gift that you can show off and make every girl on Facebook jealous? Post a birthday picture on Instagram of you on a vacation that cost you $0.00. I don't want to hear barbwire lined excuses about corporate holidays. Don't sidestep the question with that "it's the thought that counts" bullshit. You have entertained grown men, given them your time, energy, and affection, yet in the end you get the short end of the stick in exchange for the shiny end of the dick. If you publicized what you had to show for your last two relationships the same way you publicize pictures of your food, you would be the laughing stock of the internet. Go further than that, and add up all the free pussy you have given up to men who turned out to be assholes. Men have undervalued you your entire life and they will continue to do the least for the most going forward. You're not content with that treatment, you're angry, but you don't know how to change those results, so you bottle it up and go on the defensive. It's not you; it's them, blah blah blah! Your love life is a math problem that will never be solved because you refuse to look at why the numbers aren't adding up.

Why do you always manage to get involved with men who are between jobs or who don't believe in that "man pays" tradition? Why can't you look through your phone and point out one non-family member that could give you, not loan you, a thousand dollars by the end of the day if you were in need? Your pussy is yanking, your personality is bomb, and your heart is good, yet you have never been truly treated by a boyfriend or even tricked on by these clowns who stalk you like some new age Laura Winslow[3]. It's the men, right? Times are tough, jobs are few and far between, and guys do not have it to give in this day and age... However, when you look online or are out in public you still see women who don't have half your class or looks, and they are being spoiled by good looking and affluent men. Go to any restaurant, and you will see that couples dominate the tables. Go to a tropical resort, and you will see that couples dominate the grounds. Men are still treating women by the millions, so there goes your theory that on average males are broke or refuse to court anymore.

Weak women blame in order to explain, strong women who are looking to better themselves do the math no matter how much the truth hurts. Her 1 is the same as your 1, yet she ends up doubling her value, and you end up getting subtracted to 0. You don't have the power to do what she does, but you don't know how to admit that, so you soak in that pool of animosity every time you see a woman sharing vacation pictures. Let's keep it real, you are a woman that has dealt with splitting checks, paying your own way, driving your own car to places, and while you say that you don't mind... it does bother the fuck out of you. You're not a hater; you're not disgruntled, but you know that you deserve to be spoiled too. You can go out and get your own, but that want to be appreciated remains, and nothing about it is anti-feminist. It's not about being dependent on a man; it's about being valued! You are a queen, but that doesn't mean you ever grow out of being pampered like a princess.

Seeing other people who you feel aren't as deserving win is a bitter pill to swallow. I don't care how pious you try to be; you don't think it's fair, and you find it very confusing. How do you deal with these feelings besides repress them and say, "My time is coming"? What do you think when you see men and women pass you by in the mall with arms full of bags? Your mind decides that all of those men are dumb and all of those women are selling pussy for Balenciaga. A bunch of high-class prostitutes and johns... meanwhile, you're too much of a lady to sell your soul so you'll go back to eating Chipotle with Dennis your friend with benefits who doesn't even have his own place. While you're eating that $5 burrito your mind is racing with bullshit affirmations: God will reward a good woman in the end, my prince will come, those guys probably cheat anyway. Countless women are going through these "why can't that be me," emotions and the only way to keep sane is to make up excuses, but why hate when you can participate?

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