Chapter 6

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How to Flirt the Ho Way

Girls have become so bad at flirting that men can't tell if the average chick is being nice or if she is genuinely interested. This leaves a huge opening for women who know the ends and outs of flirting to dominate the game on every level. I once spoke to a girl who was frustrated with her inability to get this guy at her son's school to ask her out. They would say "hi" and chat about the weather, but she assumed that he didn't really like her, so she acted sheepishly instead of going after him. I asked if he spoke first or if she spoke first? She said he would initiate most times, once he even chased her down outside to ask about her Christmas since he hadn't seen her in a few weeks. I then asked what she had done to show him that she liked him. Crickets. Her response was, "What am I supposed to do, jump into his arms?"

Again, women see in extremes, instead of accepting that most things in life require you to read between the lines while using tact. It's not about being overt and saying you're interested; it's about the subtly of flirting in a way that even Stevie Wonder could pick up on the "I want that dick" vibe.

The way you hang on certain words, the sexy smirk you give, as opposed to the goofy laugh, even body language can spell out interest. It doesn't matter if you're talking about the weather or your boring weekend, a woman who knows the power of voice inflection, strong eye contact, and doesn't mind flashing a sly smile can make those topics sexier than discussing his favorite bedroom position.

Hos aren't afraid to talk. Everything they do is built around their ability to speak to any man without that awkward feeling that she's not on his level financially, physically, or mentally. Hos win out over most women because they aren't afraid to sell themselves. What attractive, well read, yet shy women fail to realize is that no matter how great you are, you don't come with a billboard listing these traits. You don't have a cheerleader running behind you like, "Sara owns a business, doesn't have kids, has only slept with six guys and loves football!" All you have is what you step into the room with, your looks and your actions. Your looks are good, but your actions have you standing in the corner talking to the one person you know. How will any man know that you possess all of those great qualities? Who else is there to inform a top shelf man that you are a top shelf woman? In order for him to uncover these things, he would have to walk over, interrupt your lame conversation, and see what you have to say. There are men who will do this, and it still doesn't solve the problem because an introverted woman who is afraid to rise to the occasion won't know how to interact with this man in a way that's flirty and engaging. A typical educated yet awkward woman will stumble through conversation, over laugh, have pockets of tense silence, and leave the man thinking she's weird.

Let's back up a bit, and keep it real. Most men with money, status, or those things that will make him a perfect trick or sponsor, aren't going to stroll up on 90% of the women in his city. Not because they aren't pretty, but because they may not be worth the risk in his eyes. Every man has his own taste when it comes to attraction, and just because he thinks you are cute doesn't mean he's willing to put his feelings on the line by approaching you. I've had at least two girlfriends that I would have never approached in public. If it weren't for being a friend of a friend, I would have never gotten to know them enough to want to be with them because they didn't fit that flawless category I pretended to need when I initially laid eyes on them. If you know the mind of man then you understand looks change after a conversation, a connection, or flirting. That charm I spoke of earlier will win over that picky man who rated you a six from across the room.

To walk over and compliment him, make him smile, share a story, etc... will endear you to him and raise your stock. You go from "she aight," to "she sexy," and you didn't even reapply any lipstick. That's the power of compliments built upon bonding. It's similar to not liking Miley Cyrus then seeing her in public and she's actually really nice and jokes around with you. The next time her song comes on your radio, she's not "that wack bitch that can't twerk." You know her and she knows you, so now you turn it up and say, "Ayyy, that's my girl." What changed? Hos understand that flirting and compliments lead to endearment. This is what gives them the confidence to walk over to any man regardless of how she looks because conversation will always upgrade appearance!

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