Chapter 11

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Revenge Hoing

If a man breaks your heart and you want to get revenge on all males by toying with the next man that asks for your phone number, that's your prerogative. If your ex-boyfriend is playing games with you and you want to use the bond you've already established to run up his credit cards under the pretense of getting back together, that's your right. Most women aren't manipulative or money hungry, but a lot of them take on that role once they've been wronged. If you're one of these seasonal women who irrationally say shit like, "fuck men, I'm about to get all in their pockets," make sure you're cold enough to actually live with that decision because this isn't a game. Angry women are messy, and when you get messy you get exposed. A man who catches you red handed won't be as forgiving as one that was hypnotized into giving on his own.

Emotionally unstable girls who want to play in the big leagues don't last because revenge sex and attention whoring aren't Ho Tactics. Hos have issues like all people, but they have more in common with Stock Brokers when it comes to their aim. They aren't crying out for help, they're dedicated to getting paid and advancing in life by all means necessary. If you are damaged and think using Ho Tactics will make you happy, or if you want to get revenge on the male species for all the pain they have put you through, then you are going to fail.

Women are emotional creatures, most react with feelings as opposed to logic, and that's where relationship blunders happen. You can't afford to make blunders with Ho Tactics like you do with boyfriends. You are dealing with men that may resort to all kinds of craziness if they feel as if you've blatantly robbed them. Clear thoughts lead to clean getaways! You can Ho for revenge but the revenge can't be the goal, the money or material is the goal. That sounds simple but it's hard to grasp when you're raging with anger.

You don't care about getting in his pockets; you care about letting him know that you got in his pockets by using devious methods. That line of thinking will doom you from the start. An angry female will not be content until the man that scorned her knows what happened. To get away with the proverbial crime will not bring her satisfaction, she has to let him know the full scope of her plan or there is no joy. No matter how good you may think it feels to go Angela Basset[11] and set his shit on fire after you've used him, it's juvenile. Regardless of how satisfied you may feel posting screenshots after you get away with hitting a lick that tried to play you, it's dangerous. Do not do a victory dance. Do not rub it in his face. Do not go back and inform people he knows about how you just hustled him. There is nothing to prove to anyone outside the situation, so while it may feel gratifying at first, know that it is better to walk away having won, then live watching your back.

Ho Fail

One of the women who was instrumental in introducing me to some of the more successful Ho game practitioners was a girl I'll call Tanya, because that's not even close to her real name. Tanya was on the treat level and was really trying to find a way to step her game up. Although I didn't interview her, she was very excited by the Ho Tactics idea and checked in occasionally to see when it would be done. One night Tanya emailed me about an NFL player who was pretty well known. She was excited to share the entire story of where they met, how she lured him into her web, and how she was going to finally have something over the other two women she had introduced me to. I was hoping that she would pull the hustle off so I could put it in the book, but that was the last I heard from her. Even when I sent her the original EBook, she didn't respond.

Recently I had a phone conversation with one of her associates who gave me the entire tragic run down. Tanya did in fact get involved with an elite NFL player, and she did manage to get him open to a point. Apparently, two months in Tanya was only getting treated, and knowing that this man had it to give she got impatient. As I said before, it is better to walk away than to get desperate, but I think Tanya's insecurity got the best of her. Keep in mind, I've met this woman in person and she is a solid ten, but she wasn't able to do what those other two women she introduced me to could do because she didn't have the mind or discipline for tricks or sponsors, only treaters. Again, it's a case of "I look better than them, why should I have to put in as much work." Tanya's ego made her concoct the stupidest idea you can think of if you're trying to get paid. She had sex with the NFL player in an attempt to get pregnant.

This went on for a while, but the guy didn't slip up. One night he did hit raw, and while she didn't get pregnant he got hooked on it. Around this time the player stopped dealing with Tanya on a friend level, and it became a sex only relationship. Finally Tanya gets pregnant, but in an even stupider move, she tries to blackmail him. I'm not sure of the real amount, but for the sake of a reference number, let's say it was 10 thousand. In exchange for this money she would have an abortion, and be out of his life forever. The NFL player agreed, and sent one of his goons with the hush money the day of the procedure and had the guy wait for her to finish.

Tanya was driven home by the girl that was telling me this story. This woman wasn't her real friend, she was paying her to help out because she was too ashamed to tell any of her real friends. Tanya kept playing with the money, saying how dumb the guy was, and how he shouldn't have tried to play her like some groupie, etc... As they pulled up to Tanya's home, the goon and a few other guys yanked Tanya from the car, took the money, and waived a gun in her face daring her to make an issue of it. The funniest part of the story was this girl who was driving, a brilliant Ho in her own right, stops the guys and explains that she was owed some money by Tanya. These niggas paid her! Tanya is still alive and kicking, but she's not talking to me or anyone else about the Ho life because she got burnt. It wasn't enough to get treated for months and move on, this girl was so money hungry that she tried to rob a man, and that shit came back to bite her. If this guy wasn't a good dude, who knows how the story would have turned out.

I like Tanya, she's a nice girl, but when it comes to hustling, she's a dumb Ho who was controlled by her emotions. No matter if it's a mark, an ex-boyfriend, or a co-worker who you want to Regina George[12], let it go. You can't force anyone to give you anything! You may laugh at Hoing being considered an art form, but it really is a skill that takes practice, focus, and discipline. Further proof of this, is that the Ho who told me this story, is currently milking that same NFL player and unlike Tanya, it took her less than a month to get him spending on the trick level.

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