Chapter 4

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Pussy Costs

Take a girl out to dinner. Treat her to the movies. Buy her flowers. Pick her up from her place and drive her to his. All of these things require money. A man will do all of these things, one of these things, or none of these things depending on how much he's impressed by a woman. Women tell me that "guys today" don't date, or they date cheaply. They claim that this is not a reflection of their value as women; it's proof that men of the 21st century lack respect for the dating game. I call bullshit. Pussy is recession proof. Pussy's value doesn't fluctuate on the NASDAQ. Every day a new vagina breaks a price record. So why is your stock flat? Pussy hasn't become free in the last 20 years it's become cheap, it's become discounted, and it's being given away by women who think men are hard to find and need to be fucked ASAP. It's been manipulated by men who've convinced girls to buy into this idea that to be independent means to accept going Dutch or submit to Come Over & Chill dates. Your pussy isn't a man's only option, there will always be girls who give it up faster with a lot less effort, but despite what other females are doing, YOUR PUSSY should always remain a luxury item.

Your pussy costs and every man is willing to come out of pocket in one way or another to get your pussy. This is a fact. You can look at your past relationships and point out that no man has ever really felt the need to spend or treat in order to win you over...but you fucked him anyway. Maybe there were men who simply tried a little, didn't get anything, and vanished...but when they came back, you fucked them anyway. You control whom you have sex with, and you dictate who has done enough. Stop pointing to those men who blow you off when they don't fuck you after a month as proof that you have zero value in today's market. Those men are window shoppers. Either they never really wanted your product or they weren't in a position to afford your product, so they browsed and then exited through the gift shop. These males aren't a reflection of your worth; you will not be everyone's cup of tea nor in everyone's price range so to speak. Tiffany's doesn't redo its front display every time some broke motherfucker walks by and looks, but doesn't buy. Throughout this journey, you must keep your value! You shouldn't try to switch up things that are proven to work if one or two guys don't buy into your allure.

The same way Napster fucked up the music industry, simple-minded women who allow men to manipulate them with this, "Oh, I don't believe in dating" rhetoric have fucked up the dating industry for all highly valued women. There will be those who will pass you up because even at dinner and a movie price, you come off as too expensive-- fuck those lames they aren't who you should be talking to in the first place. Men with real money will always be willing to pay full price, so your goal in life, even outside of these tactics, should never be to give yourself away to the cutest guy, it should always be to be shown respect and treated with full value. No matter how cute he is, how nice he is, or what story he has to tell, you do not Groupon your pussy because a man doesn't want to pay full price!

I remind you; I'm not talking about the act of prostituting yourself for dates. The aim is to get value for your time and your time only. After a man has sampled your pussy, no matter how good it is, he's not going to be that enamored where he can't afford to walk away. However, if you get him to see you as extraordinary, sexy, and fun, that's something he'll always want to invest in because most girls are mediocre, stressful, and boring. The cost of getting to know you in the first place should be set at a certain limit, this serves as a fortress wall that will keep broke men, stingy ballers, and con artists out of your face. It's an unwritten rule that the first conversation is free, but the second one costs, stick to that.

Setting Your Price

How much is your pussy worth? Your answer should be, "priceless," or you've already failed. You don't need a man financially; you may want one, but you don't need him. You're a grown ass woman capable of finding a job, earning money, and buying what she wants on her own. At no point in this process should you ever fall into desperation and feel that you should sell your pussy for a fixed price because you have rent due, a lingering bill, or an emergency. This is Ho Tactics, not Prostitute Practice. You are priceless, act like it, and that power will get you anything you want without ever having to spread your legs. I will delve into seduction techniques later, but I have to remind those simple-minded women reading that this has nothing to do with prostituting yourself, but positioning yourself as an object of worship and desire. How much does your pussy cost? That's a better question. Remember, worth and cost are entirely different concepts. While your pussy appraisal is priceless, you have to give those bidding the appearance that you aren't out of their reach.

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