Chapter 7

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# 7:

How to Seduce the Ho Way

Ladies interview men intensely because the objective is to make sure he's honest and trustworthy enough to be a boyfriend or potential husband. Hos substitute the interview process with the seducing stage because they know the way to a man's wallet starts with his dick. His life story and past relationships don't matter when you're trying to hustle a man because you're not looking to bond on a real level. All a Ho needs to know is if he's paid, how paid, and how generous he is willing to be with that money. Once you establish that you have a guy who is willing to treat you to nice things, you dig the hooks in deeper by using what a man wants the most against him-sex. A Ho's job is to be a fantasy woman. A woman that listens, isn't judgmental, never stresses for time or attention, and most importantly knows how to be a filthy whore. I remind you that these are the non-sex tactics, so if the way you've been taught to seduce is by letting him stick the tip in, you're going to need to throw that game plan out in order to become a master of making a man cum, without using your pussy.

Seducing is the progression of flirting, yet girls who are good flirts often freeze when it's time to really get down and dirty. Earlier, I spoke of the first date as being one where you hook him with a shot of your personality, which isn't about, "I went to this university, I'm starting this business, and I traveled to this city last summer." Personality has nothing to do with random facts about your life. In order to make a man see you as sexy, desirable, and indispensable, you have to show him that you are a good time. What makes you funny? What makes you edgy? What makes you nasty? What makes you different? That's not rhetorical; answer that in your head right now. After you've come up with those answers look back on the last time you were on a first date and think about how you brought out those four things in a way that a man could co-sign your answers. Most of you can't answer the question or aren't sure, but the truth is in the results. You didn't separate yourself because a shot of your personality is weaker than a Peter Gunz late night alibi.

The last first date I went on was with a very corny woman. Here's what made her corny: during that dinner, she didn't say anything provocative or interesting. She just laughed at my jokes and played coy when I made a perverted comment. In the movie theater, I got my feel on her, but she kept her hands to herself, not because she wasn't into me, but because she was afraid. After the date, I took her back to my apartment and proceeded to gas her up about how fun it was spending time with her (lie) how sexy she looked (she was pretty, but not that pretty), and how I didn't want her to leave (truth). After about forty minutes, I had her bra off and my hands down her pants. She stopped me, and told me she had to go before she made a mistake. I tried to go back to sweet-talking her into staying, but to her credit, she didn't give in. Although I wasn't impressed by her personality, I was excited by the prospect of having sex after seeing her half naked.

The next weekend, I skipped the going out to eat stuff because why waste my time when all I was doing was talking to myself? I got her right back over where we left off. A week of talking on the phone, flirting, and gassing her up had won her over and she was willing to go all the way. I got head, had sex with her, and promptly got head one last time before telling her I was about to go to sleep. Asshole move, but this is how most men operate when they come across a cute girl who isn't exactly intriguing. The average woman is unsure of herself when on a date with a guy she likes, which leads to awkward behavior and a corny vibe. Men don't want to hang with a cornball no matter how phat her ass is or how big her breasts are. Think if you do these things:

Counter Conversation: Wait for him to talk and you simply respond to his question with the answer and a dry followup about the same subject. Never sparking your own topic.

Over Laugh: You don't have anything to add on to what he's saying, but don't want to be quiet so you laugh harder than normal, or giggle when nothing's that funny.

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