Chapter 3 - "And I thought I was a pervert..."

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Na Ra's P.O.V

"And so everytime he saw me he would be like 'GET AWAY FROM ME!' all because I broke his nose on acciden-"

As I was babbling to Yugyeom, I suddenly stopped and noticed that he had fallen asleep in the chair.


I went over to wake him up when I heard the door to the attic open.

I naturally froze but then realizing that they wouldn't be able to see me I stood completely still.

"Ah this guy - falling asleep while sitting upright." The voice spoke. I noticed it to be one of the other boys, one I didn't know yet.

He went over and picked him up and almost fell over if he hadn't caught his footing.

I couldn't help but laugh at the situation.

"Aish, why is he so much did he eat?" He tried again but resorted to pulling him to the bed and basically throwing him on top.

He pulled the covers over him and stared at him for a second.

"Well at least he won't catch a cold now." He sighed, placing his hands on his hips.

"Jaebum! Are you going to play this game with us?" One of the other boys yelled out.

Oh, so his name is Jaebum...

"Yeah, I'm coming!" And after that he ran down the stairs and after closing the door behind him he left Yugyeom and I alone in the room - in silence.

I sighed sad to be alone again. I turned around to look back at the window and was startled when you appeared in front of me.

"OM- YAH. Stop showing up out of nowhere!" I yelled at you. You silently shushed me, making me realize that I could potentially wake Yugyeom up.

"Sorry. I underestimate how loud I can be sometimes, or how much I talk apparently." You looked at me confused.

"Oh I talked Yugyeom to sleep. I was telling him this story about how much I hated this one g-" You then waved me off, making me stop mid-sentence.

"Fine! I didn't want to tell you anyway!" I stuck my tongue out at you and just gave me a weird look as I turned back around to look out the window. I sighed. 

Well Yugyeom is definitely unique. He can see me, even if I don't make myself visible to him. 

It's so weird. But he seems like a nice guy. 

Wait. Should I have introduced myself to him?

Ah man, I didn't even think about that! What if he tells the other members about me? SHOOT!

Slightly overreacting, I turned back around to where Yugyeom was sleeping to see you on the bed, laying next to him. 

"What are you doing?!" I whisper-yelled. You stuck your tongue out at me as you snuggled up next to him, cuddling his side.

"What if he wakes up?!" You shook your head as if the idea was preposterous until Yugyeom started to stir.

Your eyes widened in panic as did mine as he shifted onto his side, only facing you now as you still held onto him. Your shocked face turned into one that could only be described as creepy as you leaned into Yugyeom, sticking your lips out as you inched closer to his face.

I stopped you before your lips met his and pulled you out of the bed and to my side. I hit you, making you wince.

"What the hell was that?! Were you trying to wake him up? Or just divulge in your fantasies?!" You shrugged, unfazed by what I was saying.

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