Chapter 5 - 'Are you crying?'

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(A/N): Thanks for waiting everyone! It was hard getting back into this fanfic but I promise more chapters are to come out soon! For now, I hope you all enjoy this one! XD

Yugyeom's P. O. V

"So we have a ghost in our house?!" Youngjae said, knowing that this was no where near a joke.

"Maybe she is the one who wrote on the mirror?" Jackson asked, piecing two and two together. I glanced around to see all the wheels in their heads turning as well.

"I mean we could just ask her. She seems nice," Mark suggested. Before the others had a chance to discuss it, Bambam started to speak.

"The writing with the lipstick.. Was that you?" All six of our hands felt the planchette start to move and they all felt a little spooked when it over to YES.

"Well that isn't at all creepy..." Jaebum mumbled.

"So she can pick up things and use them? That is different from what most ghosts can do. Or the ones I see on T.V all the time at least," Bambam said. Junior had stayed silent this whole time, as if trying to understand what was happening.

I on the other hand was preoccupied with trying not to stare at Na Ra who was still floating above the table. She looked amused by what the other guys were saying and seemed to be having way too much fun.

"Your friends are interesting..." She directed towards me. "At least they aren't asking stupid things like 'Show us your boobs!" or "Have you seen us naked!" Which by the way..." She led off looking over at Jackson. "He needs to stop checking himself out too much in the mirror. It's like a disease or something." She laughed slightly after that, making it hard for me not to. The others all glanced over at me and I immediately stopped and coughed to try to cover it up. They didn't believe me for a second.

"Okay Yugyeom...seriously, what is up? You are acting really strange," Youngjae piped, saying what the others were thinking. I glanced between each of them to see that the worry on their faces. I also looked up to at Na Ra to see that she was shushing me, telling me to not say a thing. I just smiled, trying to reassure my members that I was definitely not losing my mind.

"N-Nothing. I guess I am just a little freaked out is all," I answered, trying to sound as calm as possible. They doubted me at first but they then shook it off, believing what I said. We all then went back to focusing on the matter at hand - Na Ra.

"Should we continue doing this? What if we end up making her mad?" Bambam asked. 

"I feel like she would have left by now if she didn't want to answer any more questions so I think it is okay. Just what should we ask her is the question," Mark stated, making a good point. They all sat in silence, trying to think of a question when Jackson suddenly raised his hand, as if he had to be called on before speaking. We all looked at him and waited for him to speak.

"How do we really know if she is telling the truth? What if she is lying to us?" He brought his hand back down after making another point. The others, taking his words into consideration, started to doubt what the ghost was telling them but I of course knew better. "She could really be...a demon or something. Maybe we should stop-" 

"No." Junior said, talking for the first time since we had started this. "I believe her. I think it would be wrong of us to doubt her. We should just find out what we can and then decided from there." That surprised me to be honest. I glanced up at Na Ra to see that she was surprised too. And that she was she blushing? 

"Okay, if you believe that then we should just finish what we started. So Na Ra, how long have you been here?" Youngjae questioned, making Na Ra focus back on what was before us. I watched her move the planchette that we were holding to slowly spell out 1 MONTH. I already knew everything that happened but I kept quiet, trying to be as surprised as the other members.

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