Chapter 1 - "I died a virgin."

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WARNING: Somewhat of a scary scene. May or may not be a trigger. This will be the only scene like this in the novel but I just wanted to give a heads up!

Na Ra's P.O.V

I laid on my stomach, swaying my feet back and forth as I sucked on a lollipop, watching people as they walked down below.

Tired, I rolled over onto my side and I stared up at the sky.

Ahh...what another beautiful day.

"Meow," I turned my head to see my cat, Minnie, trotting along to where I was sitting. She curled up next to me and I started to pet her head, feeling her soft fur in my fingers. She quietly purred as I continued to admire the view above us.

A bird suddenly landed near us, pecking the top of the house, annoying the crap out of me.

"Shoo!" I tried to wave it off, but it didn't even flinch. It then suddenly flew straight through me as it landed on the part of the roof behind me, making gasp and silently curse the stupid thing.

I sighed, frustrated that it couldn't even hear me chew it out if I wanted it to.

I turned to look at you, just now realizing that you have been with me for a while now.

"Oh, hello!" I waved at you. "My name is Na Ra. What is yours?"


"Okay fine, don't answer me." I sighed, turning my head away. I then came back to glance at you again to find that you were still here.

"So you won't speak but you won't leave either? Okay, I see how it is!" Minnie meowed next to me, moving to come see you, excited to have someone new to pet her.

"So since you aren't talking, I am assuming that you are here to find out what happened to me? Or to be bored by my story?"

You looked at me confused.

"Hmm...where should I start..."

"Oh I know! How about the fact I am dead!" I started laughing. Your eyes widened.

"Funny right? No? Not even a sense of humor?" You were surprised at my answer.

Realizing that Minnie was still near you, you reached out to pet her but your hand went straight through her, leaving you even more confused.

Minnie, left your side, realizing that you couldn't touch her and came back to mine. I started to pet her once again as she snuggled up against me.

"Shocking huh? Not only am I dead, but Minnie is too. I feel like she could have moved on if she had wanted to but I think she stays here to keep me company, as she is attached to me. I love her too, don't get me wrong, but if she wants to move on, I don't want to be the reason she stays." I glanced over at you and I stopped.

"Aigoo, look at me rambling on and on. My bad. It is a habit of mine. Or was I should say. Now, since it seems like you are going to be here for a while, shall I tell you my story? Or at least how I ended up like this?"

You nodded your head.

"Finally! An answer from you! Now I don't feel like I am crazy." I chuckled, making you give me a small smile in response.

"Okay, let's see... well it all happened about a month ago to be exact..."


"Okay, we are going to go have dinner for our anniversary and we will be right back." My father said, ruffling my hair as I sat, watching Weekly Idol on the couch.

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