Chapter 7 - 'Bewbs.'

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(A/N): Thanks for waiting everyone for me to get back into this series but I am finally back!! So, expect more updates here soon and I hope you enjoy this one!! Love you all! :*


Na Ra's P.O.V

"What?! What is wrong with my plan?" I asked, pouting slightly. 

"You are asking to use my body to talk to them! Why would I be okay with that?!" He raised his voice, making me see that maybe it wasn't that great of an idea as I thought it was.

"But...come ooonnnn. It's not like I will be proding into that most likely pervy brain of yours. I will just be like... a visitor in your body." I said nonchalantly, as if it was the easiest decision in the world. He just looked less convinced than before.

"That sounds even worse! No, Na Ra. I am not letting you do it." He shook his head, disturbed at the thought. "Can't we just do the board again? It wasn't that bad last time." He suggested again, making me roll my eyes.

"Seriously? It was like how I used to talk to my grandma - super slow. It takes forever to answer something! That's why I want to do this. It will be quick and easy. Pleeassseeee," I begged, trying to give him the puppy dog eyes I used to always give my parents when I wanted to get something. They would always cave in but he wasn't as easy.


"DAMN YOU!" I yelled out of impulse, making him stifle a laugh at my outburst. "Then what? Just what do you think would be the best way?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. Let's see what you think of then, I thought, cursing him out in my head. He pondered for a second, when his eyes landed across the room on his computer. He ran over and started to pull up a tab.

"What are you doing?" I asked, curious as to what this sudden great idea was. I watched as he pulled up this thing called LINE. It looked like a type of text platform between people. I hated to admit it, but I was intrigued.

"We can use this. It's what I use to talk to some of my old friends and some of the others if there are connection problems. This should work perfectly!" He said, seeming proud of himself. "You can type, right?" He asked, getting out from the chair and motioning me to take his place. I slowly sat down, and after concentrating on my fingers, I was able to feel the smooth surface of the keys. I quickly tried to spell a word, a little happy that it worked so well.

"'Bewbs'?" Yugyeom asked when seeing what I typed on the screen. "Really."

"What! I was trying to appeal to your friends." I retorted, throwing him off guard. He rolled his eyes at my explanation. 

"So, this will work then?" He asked, waiting for an answer.

"My idea was better," I mumbled under my breath.


"Oh yeah, this is great! Perfect!" I said loudly, giving him my fake cheery voice like I totally didn't just say otherwise. He questioned me, giving me a certain look, but quickly gave up. 

"Okay, I am going to go tell them that it's time." He said, heading towards the stairs to the second floor.

"WAIT!" I suddenly yelled, making him stop and turn to look at me once more. He raised his eyebrow, as if giving me a que to continue. "What are you going to tell them? That you talked to me and that we figured this out? They don't even know that you can see me." I said, pointing out the obvious. He stopped, showing that he didn't really think of that before. "So what are you going to tell them then?" I asked, trying to find a way to make this work. I mean it wouldn't be horrible if they knew that Yugyeom could see me but it would definitely raise some questions.

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