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  "Oh, hello!" I waved at you. "My name is Na Ra. What is yours?" 


"Okay fine, don't answer me." I sighed, turning my head away. I then came back to glance at you again to find that you were still here. 

"So since you aren't talking, I am assuming that you are here to find out what happened to me? Or to be bored by my story?"You looked at me confused. 

 "Hmm...where should I start...""Oh I know! How about the fact I am dead!" I started laughing. Your eyes widened. 

"Funny right? No? Not even a sense of humor huh?" 


"And so, here I am. Still stuck in this house. Confusing right? I thought that I would have passed on by now, but then I realized why I am still here. I have regrets. Two to be exact. 

"One was the fact that they were never able to find my killers. That changed about a week ago after they finally caught them, robbing another place." 

 "The other regret is something a little more personal. You can't laugh at me okay?" You nodded in response. 

"My...other that I died a virgin. I know. Silly, huh? I am -was - 20 years old and I hadn't even had my first kiss yet. But I did like someone. His name is Junior. He was in my Sociology class in college and I instantly fell for him. 

 "But there is no way, that this regret is ever going to be solved. I can't even leave this house and he didn't even know that I existed, being the awkward person I was with people." I sighed. 

"Wait!" I screamed out suddenly, making Minnie, my cat, phase through the roof out of fear. "I forgot that people were moving in!" 

 "Omo! Is that Junior?! It is! Oh my god what are the chances! He is the boy I was telling you about!"

 "This means that I can finally pass on! My last regret has showed up to my door and this is my chance! Now... let the love games begin."  



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Na Ra


Won't be able to pass away until she loses her virginity

Is able to touch things and become tangible on rare occasions

Liked Junior before she died

Somewhat of a pervert

Somewhat of a pervert

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Na Ra's cat

Loves Na Ra

Eventually...gains the ability to...;)


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Show up every now and then

Can't talk

Helps Na Ra along with her journey

Also, only showed up in the first place for the hot guys...

Also, only showed up in the first place for the hot guys

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Moves into the house Na Ra inhabits

Is the only member to see her all the time

Starts to fall...





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Na Ra's Crush

Adorable (smile kills)

Did he ever notice Na Ra? Why yes. Yes he did.

Rest of the band

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Rest of the band

All moved into the house as well

Just themselves and freaked out by Na Ra toying with them every now and then XD


(A/N): So what do you guys think? *waits for a response*

I have had this idea for awhile and after recently writing the first chapter (like today LOL) I was really excited to share this with you all that I couldn't wait!

This will be so much fun! I am gonna love this series...I can already tell...

I also decided to use Got7 for this as when voting for my last fanfic (Don't Forget Me) the second band voted the highest was Got7! And I love these dorks, so why not? 

The Girl Who Died | A GOT7 FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now