The truth

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"Have you ever considered me more than a friend?" I ask looking at the sky, which remind me of his ocean blue eyes. The ones that I look into everyday and make me feel like I'm in the clouds.

A piece of me knew that he wasn't going to feel the same way I feel about him.

"What are you trying to say?" He closes his eyes.

I sit down before I confess my true feelings to him. "Have you ever heard of the expression 'A guy and a girl can never just be friends?'"

He sits down as well and responds " Yeah but I believe that a guy and a girl CAN just be friends." He looks at me with his beautiful eyes.

Gosh those eyes.

"Yeah well........ I believe in that expression." I look down not wanting to see his reaction. "Look Jack I like you. Not as a friend. I like you more than a friend." I inhale and exhale.
"What about you?"

Will he return the feelings?

Oh god what if he doesn't.

This was a bad idea.

"Wait, what are you trying to say?"

Does he really have to act dumb right now.

This is a serious conversation, Jack.

"I don't now. What do you think I'm trying to say?" It came out harsher then how I expected it to come out.

"I think your trying to say that you have feelings for me." He laughs throwing his head back.

Really he's laughing at my confession. I know Jack he wouldn't laugh at something emotional. Then it hit me. He thinks this is a joke.

.... Really?

He's laughing at me.

"Jack I'm serious. Stop being a kid for one second and act serious." He automatically stopped laughing. The mood becomes more serious. "I know it's weird that we have been friends since we started middle school but I'm tired of hiding emotions.I didn't like you in the beginning but when you started dating Jocelyn, I felt kind of jealous. I guess in my point of view feelings are just a joke to you" I get up from the grass and start heading towards his car. I listen to him follow me.

How dare he laugh at my feelings?

If he can't take my emotions serious then I'm pretty sure he will never take me serious.

He grabs my hand, making me stop.
"Look I thought you were joking I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. It's just... I've never seen you as more than a friend and I don't want to-"

Ouch that hurt.

He doesn't like me.

I knew he wouldn't.

'Then why did you still tell him?'

Idk I guess I had a little hope that he would return the feelings.

"- because I don't want our friendship to get ruined just because of a little crush."

A little crush.

He thinks this is a little crush.

"Jack I've been liking you since you were going out with Jocelyn. That was in 7th grade and now we are in 11th grade. You call this a little crush."

"Look I didn't want you to get mad.-"

Well you did.

"Can we just forget all of this. I don't want emotions to ruin our friendship" he says.

So I'm ruining our friendship.

He didn't say who's emotions but I'm pretty sure he has no emotions towards me so he must be talking about my emotions.

"Did you not just hear that I can't keep my emotions to myself anymore. I've been keeping them since we started Middle school." I stomp away like a stubborn child.

How dare he say that I'm ruining our friendship.

'Admit it your not mad at Jack'. My conscience says.

'Your just mad that he friend zoned you'

Hate to admit it but my conscience is right. I'm mad that he friend zoned me.

And to think, that I actually thought he was going to return the feelings.

I get inside his car.

I should have brought my car.

'You don't have a license, remember?'

Oh right.

I look out  the window to see him look straight at me with a sad face.


I kind of regret getting mad at him. Now he thinks I hate him.

As he starts driving the car is silent.

Not an awkward silence. But a funeral silence.

Oh no is our friendship over. I hope not.

That's how it is for the rest of ride.

I look out the window seeing as the trees pass by.

I just ruined our friendship.

Hey readers. This is my first book so I hope you guys enjoyed it. I can't wait till you guys read the next chapter. For this week the goal is 10 reads and 3 votes.

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