Chapter 1- Awkward Feelings

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Haruhi's POV

My alarm went off this morning at 6:00 A.M., which meant it was time to get ready for school. It was the first day of school since summer vacation had come to an end. I wasn't ready for the work, but I was excited to start the Host Club back up again. I ate some breakfast, put on my purple suite, and walked out the door.


I arrived at Ouran Academy and entered the music room in which the Host Club took place. Nobody was there yet besides me and Tamaki. He smiled at me and took my hand and kissed it.

"Good morning my beautiful angel." He winks at me, and I had a slight blush.

"Hey senpai." I say back, taking my hand away.

"Was your summer magnificent?"

"Yeah, I guess. You know you guys were there for most of it."

"I know, but for the time I was absent, I wanted to know if my little star had good days."

I couldn't help but blush a little, and slowly nodded. I looked up at him and he started smirking.

"Blushing I see. You're not falling for me are you?"

I felt my heart race at the sound of that.

"No of course not..." I rub my arm nervously and look away.

Tamaki laughed that gorgeous laugh of his... what am I saying?

"What's so funny?"

"You're cute when you lie."

"Who says I'm lying?"

Before he could answer, the doors swung open and it was Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin walking into the music room.

"Good morning Haruhi." They said in unison.

"Hey guys." I said, smiling.

"How was your summer?" Kaoru asked.

"It was okay. I didn't do much."

"You should've had me and Kaoru over during a lot of the summer, I think we'd all have some fun."

Hikaru smirked, looking over at an angry Tamaki.

"Do not say such perverted things around daddy's little girl!"

Tamaki says, running to me and hugging me.

"Stay away from those awful twins."

Hikaru pulls Kaoru in a hug and holds him close, both looking at Tamaki with devastating looks.

"Us? Awful and perverted?" Hikaru sympathetically said.

"We're such angels..." Kaoru added.

Tamaki scoffed.

"Save it for the Host Club."

The twins let go of each other and giggled. Soon after Kyoya, Honey and Mori entered the music room as well.

"Haru-chan!" Honey says coming to hug me.

"I hope you four weren't doing any funny business while we weren't here." Kyoya says, pushing up his glasses.

"We were not!" Tamaki whines.

"Well, that's good to know."


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