Chapter 4- A Day With The Hitachiin Twins

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Haruhi's POV

We walked out of the school and I was still dreading the rest of the day and regretting agreeing to hang out with the twins. It's not that I hated them, I just don't know what these two have up their sleeve.

"So, what exactly are we doing?" I asked.

"We're going to go to the mall to spoil you." Kaoru started.

"And then go out to eat to buy you a fancy dinner!" Hikaru finished.

This is exactly what I expected. It's a date.

"Look guys, you really don't have to-"

"Oh, but we want to." They said in unison.

I sighed. There was no way I was getting out of this one.

Tamaki's POV

"Kyoya, what if they do something to my little girl?!"

"Relax Tamaki. They know better than to steal someone else...oh yeah."

"Oh yeah what?!"

"They both do not know you two are an item. That could be a problem."


"Calm down. Tamaki, the only thing we can do is stalk them, though we do not know their location."

"I'm in! I'll text her."

"Are we advising we actually stalk them? I was only being facetious-"

"She says they're going to the mall and then somewhere to eat. What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

I grabbed Kyoya's hand and ran out the door with him.

Kyoya's POV

This man is insane. Still as crazy as ever. I can't believe he asked for my help. It's been awhile since I've felt his touch, or since he's put his hand in mine. God I miss this. Still as soft and warm as ever... Cripes, what am I thinking? We cannot stalk Haruhi.

"Tamaki, we cannot go in there and stalk them, we will be too obvious, especially you."

He stopped in place still holding my hand, and looked back at me with the same sad eyes he used on me before to get what he wanted. I hated them. I always gave in.

"Kyoya, Hikaru kissed Haruhi without my consent. I can't imagine what he'd do to her again, especially now that Kaoru's involved."

Only this time, I tried to fight back.

"Can't you trust her hanging out with some friends?"

"I can. I do trust her, and her friends. I just don't trust her friends who have liked her, or who do like her."

He wins.

"You make a good point. Let's proceed."

He smiled at me, and we proceeded to rush to the mall.

Haruhi's POV

"Guys, I think that's enough. You've bought me all sorts of toys, clothes, shoes, snacks, and junk I don't even need. Half of this stuff I won't use or wear."

"No it's never enough Haruhi." They say in unison.

"A simple thank you would be nice." Kaoru says.

"We still have enough for food you know. You better stop being a spoiled brat."
Hikaru scolds.

"Me? I never even asked for any of this stuff!"

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