Chapter 5- Kyoya Catches Feelings

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Tamaki's POV

It's been thirty minutes and Kyoya hasn't returned. I don't know if I can handle any more of this without making myself as obvious as the light of day. There must be something I can do to stop this date. They haven't gotten their seats yet, since this was a pretty fancy place. I still had time, but not much.

Luckily, Kyoya and I bought some disguises while we were at the mall. I rushed to the restroom and changed clothes. I was wearing a monocle, a fake mustache, and some plaid old clothing, something that Sherlock Holmes would wear. I sneakily sat next to the three and trying to have a subtle conversation.

"Good evening." I say, trying my best to make a British accent.

The twins look confused and creeped out, and Haruhi looks annoyed.

"Can we help you?" She asks, clearly irritated.

"Well, we've been waiting awhile for our table, thought I could have a little conversation."

"Who the hell are you? You just sat down." Haruhi says.

"Whoever he is, is probably a fake." Kaoru says.

"Yeah, that shitty attempt at an accent is giving you away." Hikaru adds on.

If Kyoya hadn't shown up at that moment, I would've gave myself away.

"Grandpa, what the hell?" He says.

"Sonny! There you are!"

"Kyoya?" Haruhi asked quizzically.

"GRANDPA?" The twins shouted.

"My apologies, he likes to pretend he's from Britain and tries to befriend strangers."

"Uh." She says.

"I'll be going now. Enjoy your meal."

Kyoya gripped my arm tightly and pulled me outside.

"What the hell were you thinking you imbecile?!"

"I didn't know what else to do Kyoya I got-"

"Jealous? Selfish? Precisely."

"We need to get Haruhi away from them!"

"First, take off that stupid costume that I told you not to purchase."

"You're right, I should."

Kyoya's POV

Tamaki went to go change back into his original Ouran suit. Thank god. Why do I admire that man so much? What came over me to fall deeply in love with him?

"There. Now you're looking sharp." I joked.

"You're not falling for me, are you?" He winked.

I already have, darling.

"What's your plan to separate the three?" He asked, after I did not answer.

"Do we really have to split them up?" I asked him.

"What kind of question is that? Why of course we do!"

"You know, we could just hang out while they are."

"That's what we've been doing, Kyoya! We're stalking them together."

The word together made me choke. It stuck in my mind like glue. Oh no. I think I'm falling in love with this man again. What is it about him that I desire?

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