Chapter 6- The Host Club Fights

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Haruhi's POV

    I walked into the host club that day totally confused.  The twins, Tamaki, and Kyoya were all fighting.

      "What the hell?" I asked them.  Nobody answered except Honey.

      "They're all fighting about the same thing." He starts.

      "You."  Mori finishes.

     "What? Me? Kyoya likes me now too?"

     Honey laughs and pink flowers circle around his head.

     "No silly!  Kyo-chan fell in love with Tama-chan again!  They're all fighting for love!  The twins both want you, Kyo-chan wants Tama-chan, and Tama-chan wants you, Haru-chan!  Though a part of him still cares and loves Kyo-chan."

     It felt like my head was going to explode.  I've never even had two guys fight for me, let alone four.

      "What am I supposed to do then?"

     "Beats me." Honey says.

     I decided to walk over there and break it up.  Before I could do that, I felt a sudden figure pull me back.  Honey pulled me back and Mori trapped me in his grasp.

     "What was that for?  Let me go!"

     "If anyone has to break them up it's me, I can fight well if I need to, and plus, you're the whole reason this is happening.  I think it's best if you stay behind and watch." Says Honey.

     Honey walks over there and gives each of them a roundhouse kick to the ass.

      "ENOUGH!" He yells.

     The four of them groan in pain while listening.

     "We can't all work like this.  Make up or you'll all have to quit."

     "Excuse me, I was the one who created this club!  I kick out whom I like!"  Tamaki whined.

     "But you did make me the assistant principal of this club, so as can I." Kyoya says.

     "Then you'll  fire each other if you keep fighting, and then we can all fire who we want."

     They both grew silent by Honey's remark.  He was right.

     "Now, I get it we're all in high school and we start thinking about things like love, but if that's going to get to you and cause useless arguments, you shouldn't be in the club.  Too unprofessional."

      "I'll have you know I am the most professional man I've ever met!" Tamaki announces.

      "Tama-chan, you're not acting too professional."

     "That is because of these three idiots!  They started it!  I for one was trying to stop it!"

     "That's why you kept whaling on about how Haruhi was yours, right?" Kaoru says.

     Honey looks at Tamaki with a cute, but angry manner.

     "Listen Honey, you don't-"

     "If the next word coming out of your mouth was care, then you're right.  I don't, but what I do care about is you guys and this club.  Pull it together during school and do whatever you want after it, please." 

     Honey's pep talk actually worked because for the rest of the day those four never said a word to each other, or about love at all.  Tamaki didn't even act affection it, but from afar I could tell he was giving me little winks and smiles of love.

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