Chapter 2- The Fight Over Haruhi

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Haruhi's POV

The next school day was a bore as well. I walked into one of my classes and sat in between Hikaru and Kaoru. They both looked at me and winked.

"Good morning Haruhi." They both said in unison again.

"Good morning Hikaru, good morning Kaoru." I said back.

"You were late today. Something happen?" Kaoru asks.

"Yeah you weren't in the music room before first bell."

"I woke up a little bit later today and it threw me off I guess." I said, smiling to reassure them.

They smiled back at me with relief.

"That's good to hear." They both said.


That class went by pretty fast. Now it was time for us to get in the music room for the host club to start. The three of us got up and started walking towards the door.

"So, we heard Tamaki spread a rumor about you." Kaoru says.

"Huh? Oh, that. It was a misunder-"I started to say.

"Nobody should such things about you. No matter what it is."

Hikaru said, taking my hand and kissing it. I was a little taken back by that action, but they both did like me so I wasn't surprised. I moved my hand back away from Hikaru's grasp.

"It wasn't like that. He just misunderstood what had happened is all. I guess he thought I said I liked him, or whatever."

I saw the Hitachiin twins look at each and then back at me suspiciously. They started circling me.

"Why would he think that?" They asked in unison.

What did you get yourself into Haruhi?

"Well maybe I said something that kind of sounded like that."

They still weren't convinced, but they let it go anyway. We walked in and as per usual, rose pedals flew at the three of us. Tamaki pointed his finger at us.

"You are thirty seconds late. Explain."

"Relax senpai. We just took a little longer getting here from our class. That's all."

"Very well. Get into your positions, the host club will start in less than a minute. We do not want to keep our lovely and wonderful guests waiting."

We all got into our "starting positions", if that's what you want to call it, and awaited the guests. The doors flew open and rose pedals glided towards the girls as they ran inside the music room. They each sat down somewhere and awaited assistance, and some requested some of us. It was time to get started. To my surprise, someone actually requested me today.

I sat across from this girl with a bright pink dress and sea foam green eyes with jet black hair. She batted her eyes at me like she had some major crush on me.

"You're Haruhi Fujioka? You're hotter than I pictured."

"Your beauty blew me away too, darling."

It was weird saying and hearing that, but I had to do this every day and it still felt weird. The girl giggled and I smiled.

"What an adorable laugh you have."

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