Chapter 7- The Bet

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Haruhi's POV

Tamaki and I finally made it to the twins' house, although I still feel fishy about this "Tamaki".

"Tamaki, can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Of course sweetheart!"

"Do you remember that promise we made?"

Tamaki seemed to tense up a bit and sweat dropped from his head. He let out a nervous chuckle and rubbed the back of his head.

"Why of course! How could I forget a promise I made with my princess?"

I knew it.

"We didn't make a promise," I say, "You're not Tamaki."

"Kaoru now!" He panicked.

I saw "Tamaki" take off his wig and purple contacts to reveal Hikaru. Before I could say anything, Kaoru grabbed me and carried me inside. I was thrown into a room and got tied up next to someone else, who to my surprise, was Tamaki.

"I thought I told you guys to stop!" I shouted.

"You can blame this on Tamaki." They both said.

I looked at him angrily.

"What did you do?"

"Well, you all happened this morning."

Tamaki's POV

A flashback starts in the morning of school. Tamaki and the twins start fighting.

"Fine! How about we bet then?" Hikaru suggests.

"Bet what?" I ask.

"If we can successfully trick you and Haruhi to come to our house." Kaoru started.

"Then we get to be with her." Hikaru finished.

"No way! You know I'm easily trickable, and there's no way in hell I would just "hand over" Haruhi!"

"But Haruhi isn't easy to fool." Kaoru said.

"I'm not going to risk it!" I shout.

"How about a week then?" Hikaru asks.

"I am not betting Haruhi!" I yell.

"You're just afraid we can trick her." Hikaru says.

"What? No I'm not. Haruhi is smarter than that."

Kaoru smirked, knowing where his brother was going with this.

"Hm. I guess you really have no faith in Haruhi if you won't even give it a try."

"I'm saying nothing of the sort!"

"Would be a shame for her to hear that her boyfriend doesn't believe in her." Hikaru added.

"I never said I didn't-oh fine! I'll do your stupid little bet! But If I win then you two have to stay out of our relationship!"


The flashback ends.

"Getting Tamaki here was the easy part." Kaoru says. "All I had to do was tell him was that we had futons."

Haruhi gave an angry look at me and I laughed nervously as sweat dripped from my head.

"You bet me!"

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