My Latin King 13

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A/N: I'm skipping a few months guys enjoy!:)



3 months



Lina's POV

I've been laying down in bed with R.B in my room. He finally stayed the night! Lol. It's been great these last few months. R.B treats me with so much respect and I thinking I'm actually falling in love with him.

About the gang. I'm in with my moms old crew. Sometimes I think she gonna join back in but I don't know. It will be cool to have my mom back.

The crew is dope. They treat me like family.

There is one guy that creeps me out alittle but I think I'm just not feeling that comfortable with the gang yet.

Today me and R.B were suppose to go shopping but he isn't feeling well so I think ima just take a walk.

"Babe ima go walk for alittle. I'll be back in like 15 minutes. Ok?"

R.B looked at me and puckered up his lips.

I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Your sick. I'm not kissing you."

" Whatever. Just be careful ok?"

I kissed his cheek and threw on some sweats and a white shirt and my slippers.

Shit I don't got to dress up. I look good already. Haha just kidding.



I was on my way back home when I saw that guy from the gang. The creepy one. I just kept walking so he wouldn't notice me but he did.

He started walking towards me. I started picking up my pace but he grabbed me by my arm.

"Why you trying to run away from Big Jay now ma?"

I tried getting away but he kept tightening his grip.

"Leave me alone! And let go!"

He looked at me and started laughing. Why the fuck is this nigga laughing for?

"You cute when you mad. Now lets go bitch!"

All of a sudden he drags me by my hair and I screamed and screamed for help but that seemed to piss him off so he picked up his foot and kicked me on the side of my face.

All I can remember is a unfamiliar voice say "You got the bitch?"

And it was lights out.


I've been laying in bed for the last 20 minutes. I grew worried of Lina. I hope she ok. Ima give her 5 more minutes and if she don't show up ima head out to find her.



5 minutes later

I started throwing on some clothes. I didn't tell Rosy because I didn't want her worrying about Lina.

I headed out the door. I looked at the park first because that's where she usually walks. There was no sign of her there.

I started looking through the hood hoping someone saw her. But again no sign of her.

Now I was getting real scared. I hope my baby is ok.

As I was walking back towards the park I got a phone call. It was a unknown number.

I usually don't answer unknown numbers but this one felt iffy to me.

I answered the call and the first thing I heard was "Babe! Help me!"

My heart dropped. Then I could hear a nigga breathing.

"Who is this? And what do you want with my girl!?"

He still didn't talk for a whole good minute.

Finally he spoke.

"Because she gots something I want."

And with that he hung up. That voice kept playing over and over again in my head. It sounded so familiar.

I kept thinking trying to put the voice and face together in my mind. And it hit me!

It was my father!


OMG! What you think gone happen?

What does R.B's dad want with Lina?

Is R.B gonna find Lina?

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Love you guys!


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