My Latin King part 18

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Lina's POV

What the fuck man? My so called father finally wants to be in my life!? FUCK HIM!

All I need is my mom. She was the only one there for me. My dad can go die in a ditch for all I care.

But shouldn't I have the right to have my say so?

I'm kind of scared. What if my father does win? I won't be able to see my mom anymore. I won't be able to be with R.B.

I don't want him to win.

Please God. Don't let him win. [tear rolls down cheek].

Rosy's POV

Well. I found out that my court date is in three days.

I know I'll win...I mean how he can possibly win my Lina over.

Hope the judge isn't fucking stupid.

I need to get my proof ready and my speech ready.

Lina is my everything and I'll do anything just to keep her with me.

I love my daughter to death.



3 Days Later

I was on my way now entering the building of the court house. I hope everything goes good.

Lina was on her way with R.B. She's scared out her mind and so am I.

Who wouldn't be? Knowing that your only child could get taking away from somebody that never gave a fuck.

I reached the courtroom and took a deep breathe.

"Well, here goes nothing."



The judge was on his way back with his decision on who gets Lina.

"As we all know. We are here for a custody hearing on the daughter of Rosy and Pedro. Lina, will belong to..."



Oooh it's a cliffhanger!

I know it's not much but I just wanted to update something.

Promise that the next chapter will possibly be longer.

Stay True<3


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