First Day of Her O. W. Ls Year

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It was the first day of classes and I was heading to potions after another fight with Harry. He brought up Draco again, apparently harry spied on him. And that is way he didn't return on the train and Draco broke his nose. I didn't blame Draco I'd do the same if someone spied on my private conversation.

I walked into class with Ginny at my side as usual. We took a table in the middle of class like we did when Snape taught potions. Slughorn started class by telling us how important O. W. Ls were. All our other teachers did the same thing at the start of our classes (charms and arithmancy).

He got us to make an Invigoration Draught with our table partners. Ginny and I made the best draught getting ten points each for Gryffindor. I then gt an extra five points by telling Slughorn what the potion does.

After class Slughorn asked Ginny and I to stay behind for a few minutes. He told us about a dinner party he was throwing tonight. He wanted us to attend and agreed to go. I told him I'd bring Harry along and he was thrilled by the news.

(that night)

The rest of the day went smoothly and all the teachers talked about O. W. Ls. Professor Snape gave us all a test to see where we were at in defense. He appeared to be pleased with our results and didn't give us home work. Unlike McGonagall, my ancient runes and arithmancy professors. They gave us a lot of homework due by our next lesson with them.

I got another twenty points for Gryffindor in my other classes. During lunch I told Harry about the dinner party in Slughorn's office. He said he'd go, because he had to get on Slughorn's good side. To get the information he and Dumbledore needed.

Harry and I arrived together to Slughorn's dinner party. We sat next to Hermione who was also invited. The party went fine, but I didn't want to make it a regular thing. Harry stayed behind to talk to Slughorn. I saw Draco walk around the corner and called out to him.

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